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It was hard sharing what happened to me with Anthony yesterday but I had to. Anthony deserved to know and it feels like a small weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Only a small one though. Last night Anthony didn't ask me anything else about what had happened when I was a kid which I appreciated. I knew he was mad and I can understand his anger because sometimes I get really mad too but I don't really show it. I keep my anger in and normally just paint whenever I do get mad. I was upset that Anthony didn't go to bed with me. He stayed in his office and I don't even know when he came to bed because I was asleep because I have work. He was gone when I woke up and I wanted to know why but I didn't text him or anything. I just did my morning routine and then went to work.

My morning didn't start out as well as I wanted it to. Normally I would help the kitchen prep the food and things for when customers came in but I couldn't. Harper told me to help get tables ready which I guess was fine and I still did it because Harper is my boss. After we opened I got a really rude women who kept asking me to get Harper because "I wasn't speaking loud enough" first of all. I was speaking like a normal person would she just had bad hearing and second of all I just think she wanted to complain about something.

I placed a plate of pancakes in front of the lady and the quickly walked away. I don't want her to complain about how the pancakes are stacked because lord knows she might. I bump into the other waitress it was the blonde which I learned that her name is Jayce. "Oh, sorry" I mumble taking a step back. "No worries Declan. I don't understand how you have to much patience with that women. I would've snapped by now" Jayce says wiping her hands with a towel. I shrug my shoulders but sigh. "It takes a lot but she is getting on my nerves" I grumble. Jayce grabs a plate that was on the hot plate to take to her table. I hear the bell above the door jingle and I look up to see James and another guy. James is standing close to this guy speaking quietly to him with his cheeks a light red.

I smile softly and walk up to the two. "Hey James" I greet grabbing two menus and two things of silverware for them. "Hey Declan" James greets back rubbing the back of his neck softly. "A table near the window is alright for you two?" I ask glancing at the guy who has been staring at me for awhile now. "Yes, that is fine" James answers. I nod then motion for them to follow me over to one of my open tables near the window. We pass buy the women who glares at me and I give a tight smile to her. I set down the menus and the silverware as both boys sit down. "Alright, what can I get you guys to drink?" I ask. "Water is fine" The other guy says startling me. I was starting to think he didn't talk. "For both of you?" I asked. James just nodded then I walk away to get there drinks.

I don't know who this guy is but I wonder if it's James's friend that he told me about when he came here crying. I grab two clean glasses, fill both with ice then fill them with water. I take them back to the boys setting them down in front of them. "Are we ready to order?" I ask taking out my notepad. "Malachi can we share a plate?" I hear James ask softly. I watch as Malachi nods his head before looking up at me. "A plate of scrambled eggs, sausage, and bacon" He said holding out his menu for me to take. I take both then walk away from them. I gave the cooks their order then made my way over to the lady. I grab her plate that was empty along with her empty coffee cup. "I will get your check" I said then walked away.

I set dirty dishes in the sink in the kitchen then head back out to grab her check when I run into Jayce again. She is leaning against the counter texting rapidly on her phone before slamming it onto the counter. "Are you okay?" I ask softly. I grab the lady's check as Jayce turns to me with a frown on her face. "My boyfriend is upset because I called him out on flirting with another girl. He said I am being ridiculous and that he should be able to appreciate another girls beauty" She rambles. "He can appreciate that girls beauty from afar but not walking up to her and flirting with her" She grumbles crossing her arms over her chest then walks away from me.

I stand there for second confused but then realize I have to give that lady her check. I quickly turn and walk towards her table and see she has a glare on her face. I set the check down with a small smile then walk away scolding myself for getting distracted. Then I realize that I have to take the check and her card and curse under my breath hurry back over to her. "I'm so sorry" I mumble grabbing the card from her. I hurry and swipe her card then get back to her with a smile. "Have a good rest of your day" She rolls her eyes, gets up and walks out the door.

"Declan!" I hear one of the cooks yell. I walk over to the window letting me see into the kitchen and Tom the cook hold out James and Malachis order for me. I take it with a thanks then walk over to the boys setting the plate in the middle of the table for them. "Thank you Declan" James says picking up his fork. "Do you have time to sit with us?" He asked. I glance at Malachi who just takes a piece of bacon and eats it. I nod my head and grab a chair pulling it up to there table. It feels so good to rest my feet right now.

"How is everything James?" I ask glancing over at him. He takes a sip of his water then gives me a weak smile. "It's better. Malachi's parents let me move in with them" He says looking across the table a Malachi biting his bottom lip. I glance between the two of them. Seeing as they are looking at each other like each other is the others world I get the feeling they are together. "If this is a date, I really don't want to intrude" I mumble chuckling a little. "It is but I want you to meet Malachi" James mumbles rubbing his neck softly. I look over at Malachi feeling slightly intimidated. He looks like he could crush me. He is a teenager right?

"Okay, hi Malachi, I'm Declan" I say nervously. He looks me over before glancing at James then back at me. "You helped him?" He asked out of know where. I smile softly nodding my head. "I understand what has happened to him so of course" I answer. Malachi nods his head grabbing his water to take a sip. This guy is seriously scary. I don't know what he is thinking because his face gives nothing away. "Don't let his bad boy exterior scare you, he is actually a big softy" James giggles. I smile but it drops when I hear Harper. "Declan! If you don't get up I'll beat you with newspaper!" I quickly stand moving the chair back to where it was. I know she doesn't mean it but she is still very scary. I clear my throat and smile at them. "Enjoy the rest of your date" I mumble then walk off. Malachi got me thinking about Anthony and how he hasn't talked to me since yesterday. We are going to have a talk tonight and he doesn't get a say in it either.

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