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The car stops with a halt, I scoot back to my seat to look out the window but all I see is a building. My door opens almost making me fall but I quickly grab the hand that waited for me. Anthony always holds out his hand for me when I get out of the car I think it is very sweet. The car door shut and Anthony tugs me forward towards the building. People are pouring into the building talking loudly and I wonder what is inside. We wait behind a couple who talk loud enough for me to here. "I heard some of Luke Jay's work is in here. He has come so far" The women says. My eyes widen, I know who they are taking about" Luke Jay is an artist, he has some of the best work I've ever seen. I don't really know much about him just that he loves doing art.

I look up at Anthony a huge smile blooming on my face. "Are we at an art gallery!?" I ask excited. Anthony chuckles with a nod. "We are love. I knew you would like it" I squeal. The couple in front of us moves in then we do and my jaw drops. Painting are hung on the walls, some vases on show. Along with the artists standing near they work. I eyes dart around loving all the art work in here. That's when I see Luke Jay standing near all of his art works. Four men are with him smiling politely at the people who walk over. I pull Anthony over awestruck at Luke's work. He is so good a drawing and painting. "Anthony! Look!" I point at the painting of a Mountain View we're the sun was setting.

"That one took hours, so long I had to use pictures" I look over to see Luke standing next to us smiling. "Oh my gosh, I love your work!" I squeak. Luke chuckles, "Thank you" Anthony smiles at Luke placing a gentle hand on my back. "Declan is also a painter" He says making Luke raise an eyebrow at me. "Oh? What kind of painting do you do?" He asked. I blush, "W-Well I usually just paint whatever pops into my head and hope that is comes out good" I mumble rubbing the back of my neck kinda embarrassed. "I would love to see some. It is very hard to find people who paint nowadays. My boyfriends know nothing about it" Luke giggles glancing back at the guys who are watching us closely. "B-Boyfriends?" I ask.

Luke nods motioning the men over. "I have four and they are a pain" He smirks. A guy as tall at Luke rushes over hugging Luke tightly and gives us a glare. "He's ours" Luke chuckles hugging the guy back. "Don't be so mean Luka and I think they are a couple" Luke chuckles. My blush deepens as I glance over at Anthony who is just smiling. "Sorry for Luka he is a lot, I'm Matthew" A tall man said holding out his hand for me to shake. I gulp looking at his hand then at him. I hesitantly take it and shake lightly. I pull my hand away then look at the other two. "The blonde is Ash and the other is Wyatt" Matthew says.

"It's nice to meet you guys" I mumble chewing on my bottom lip. Luke chuckles and hands me his phone. "I would love to see some of your painting if that's okay with you" He asked with a kind smile. I pull out my phone from my back pocket and hold it out to him as well. "I would l-like that" I admit taking his phone. I look up at Anthony for help because I have know idea how to add a phone number. Once we exchange number we give each other our phones back. "I'm only here for a few more days before I have to go back home so if you want me can meet in a few days" I nod my head then the five of them walk back to where most of Luke's paintings are.

I turn to Anthony a little shocked at how well I did at talking to them. "Did I just m-make a friend?" I ask clutching my phone. Anthony chuckles and pecks my lips. "You did love, and I'm so proud of you" He said. I'm proud of myself for actually talking to them. I was actually kinda scared to shake Matthews hand if I'm honest. I'm still trying to get used to guys not wanting me for my body. "Let's look around some more then we can go to where I want to take you next" Anthony says putting his hand in my and starting to walk around.
After we leave the gallery I look out the window from the car to see where we are going next. Anthony takes on the phone quietly making me worried. I can't hear what his is talking about and I wonder if he is talking about me and I hope he's not. Soon enough the car stop right as Anthony gets off the phone. "Alright, Love, close your eyes for me" He says opening his car door. I look at him for a moment before closing my eyes. I trust him not to hurt me. I hear my door open and a hand grab my hand pulling me out of the car.

"It's just ahead" I feel Anthony breath on my neck making me shiver. We walk for a few minutes before we stop suddenly and it goes quiet. "A-Anthony?" I whimper moving my head to try to hear him. "I'm here love" I hear him say. "Okay, open your eyes"

My eyes flutter open to see a beautiful garden full of colorful flowers and different kinds of plants. I gasp when I see Anthony holding a thing of flowers smiling at me. "Anthony?" I take a step towards him. "Declan, I know we met under weird circumstances but throughout the time I have known you, you have blown me away. You are a sweet and beautiful person and I know you had a terrible past. I want to help you through it so will you be my boyfriend" He ask with a hopeful smile. My heart flutter and my stomach does a backflip. I rush over to him and hug him tightly. The flowers he was holding drop to the grass so he can wrap his arms around me. "Yes" I whisper digging my face in his chest. I happy, scared, and excited to be in a relationship with Anthony. I trust him but I'm never been in a relationship before and I hope he doesn't mind that I don't want to have sex with him yet. I'm just not ready for that.

I look up at Anthony and press our lips together in a sweet kiss. This is amazing. I pull away and look around at the garden. "Where are we?" I ask turning back to Anthony. "This is a garden I've been growing for awhile now, it's a greenhouse my mother used to own. She would take me here whenever she wanted help picking flowers" He answers letting me go. "It's so pretty! I would love to paint some of the flowers!" I exclaim walking over to the bush of roses. "Whenever you want to come here just ask Brain or me and we will take you" Anthony's said from behind me.

I met a famous artist today and Anthony asked me to be his boyfriend. Today was amazing and this garden is my seconds favorite place ever, the first is my art room.
If you have read Boys Home (One of my other books) you know who Luke, Luka, Matthew, Ash, and Wyatt are. 😉
This is my favorite chapter so far in this book. I wanted to make a romantic moment between the two. 😌

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