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The car stops at a small building and my anxiety rises now that we have stopped. Anthony gets out but I stay put for a few minutes. I know Anthony will be with me but I don't know what will happen. Suddenly my door opens and Anthony peers in with a worried look. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nod my head quickly unbuckling my seat belt. Anthony stands up straighter then holds out his hand for me. I hesitantly take it and he helps me out.

I shut the door with my free hand then Anthony gently pulls me to the front door. He opens it and we walk in. The smell of vanilla hits me right away. There are a lot of people hear, just sitting at tables talking with whoever they are with. Some have food other are waiting. A women walks past us wearing black pants, a white shirt and a waist apron. "That's what you will be wearing if you work here" Anthony whispers to me. My eyes scan the place landing on a man who is staring at me. I shuffle closer to Anthony feeling uncomfortable in that mans gaze. Anthony squeezes my hand and pulls me forward.

"Anthony! I knew that was you!" A loud squeal booms over the place. I look over to see an older women walking over to us with a huge smile. "Ah, Harper, good to see you" Anthony greets. I watch as she hugs Anthony and I go to let his hand go but he doesn't let me. Harper let's him go then turns to me with the same huge smile. "Harper, this is Declan. He would like to work here" Anthony explain gently tugging me closer. Harper's smile softens as she looks at me. She has brown hair with a few strands grey, her hazel eyes sparking with warmth and she's as tall as me.

"Nice to meet you sweetie. Do you have any experience waiting tables?" She asked. I take a deep breath. "Yes ma'am" I answer. She nods her head looking over at me and it makes me a little uncomfortable. "How old are you dear?" She asked raising her thin eyebrows. "18 ma'am" she nods again then walks off waving a hand at us. Anthony begins following her tugging me with him. She walks past the kitchen where I see people walking around cooking food and yelling out orders. We get into a small office, Harper sits at the desk taking out a notebook. "You are a little quiet..." She trials off tapping a pen on her chin. My face falls and I look down. "But I don't think it will be a big deal" She finishes.

"We are working on it aren't we Declan?" Anthony asked looking down at me with a soft smile. I nod my head, "I a-am trying" Harper smiles again setting then pen and notebook down. "I honestly don't see any reason why I shouldn't hire you" She says. I smile a little, I can finally feel like I'm doing something useful. Harper stands and holds out her hand to me. I hesitantly take it and we shake hands. "You can start next Monday" She says dropping her hand. "Thank you ma'am" I say.

After Anthony says goodbye we get back in to the car. Anthony turns to me with a small smile. "Brian will drop you off and pick you up" He said. I nod my head as the car starts moving. "I will also set up a bank account for you" He adds. I look at him confused. A bank account? "All the money you make will go there and I will also get you a debit card for whenever you want to spend that money" He continues. He is going to allow me to keep the tips I make? "So you won't take the money I m-make?" I ask. He raises and eyebrow at me. "Of course not, you worked for that money why would I take it?" He asked but then his eyes widen slightly. "He took all the tile you made working at the place" He says more to myself then to me.

He looks out the window and I look away as well. He he mad at me? I didn't do anything, I got a job! He should be happy that I won't be lazy anymore.

It will be a huge change from what I use to do at fathers restaurant. Hopefully a good change. "I have a surprise for you when we get back home" Anthony says making me look over at him. He smiles and my anxiety bubbles up. I hope it's a good surprise.
Anthony grabs my hand as we walk up to the front door, at first I flinch away but he has held my hand before and he didn't do anything so I relax. He swings open the door pulling me inside and up the stairs to a door in the same hallway as my room and his room. I gulp trying to swallow the panic attack. He won't hurt me, he won't hurt me. He pulls out a key from his pocket and places it in my palm. Anthony moves behind me and I look at him in confusion. "Open it" He chuckles. I slide the key into the lock and twist so the door unlocks. I turn the hand and push open the door.

My eyes widen at what I see, bottles and bottles of paint sit on the floor unopened. Cups of paint brushes on a single desk and a lot of blank canvas sit against the wall waiting to be painted on. I practically run inside and take a closer look. Almost all of the colors are here some I don't even know. I see an easel in one of the corners and I squeal. I haven't painted in a long time. "You said you use to paint and the way you were looking at the painting in my living room well it said all I needed to know" I hear Anthony say from behind me. I turn to look back at him, I rush over to him and fling my arms around his waist giving him a hug. "Woah" He takes a step back so we don't fall before hesitantly wrapping his arms around me.

I dig my face in his chest feeling like I'm going to cry. "Know one has even been so nice to me" I mumble against his shirt. He squeezes me. I haven't been given a hug in so long it feels so nice and warm. A fuzzy feeling bubbles in my chest telling me not to let go but I ignore it and let go of Anthony who also lets go of me. "This is yours Declan, all of it" he says giving me a smile. I turn back and pick up a blank canvas and placing it gently on the easel. I have wanted to paint something so badly. I love painting.

Anthony is suddenly right next to me holding a stool for me to sit on. He sets it down then walks to the door. "Thank you" I mumble looking over at him. He looks back at me and I give him a small smile. A real smile. One that I haven't given someone in a very long time.

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