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Surprise Update!!! <3
I went to see Jaylin...I know Anthony wouldn't like that so I went durning my break. I caught a taxi and went to the jail here. No one knew I was there not even Brian because he was with Blake the whole day. I know she helped my father but she didn't want to and if she wouldn't realized sooner that it was wrong I think she would've helped me. I could probably forgive her in time but my father? No, him? Never.

I wait patiently at a metal table looking around the blank room. Jail is so sad...it has no paintings, no art and no color. It's just white which is sad. I turn when I hear the sound of cuffs being undone and I see an officer pointing Jaylin over to me. She walks over and sits down giving me a half smile. I can see a slight bruise on her cheek.

"Hey, Declan. What are you doing here?" She asked. I shift in my seat, "I wanted to see you, to tell you that I'm sorry for what my father did" she smiles softly looking down at the metal table. "Declan, I don't want an apology from you. You did nothing to me. You're father is a cruel man and I'm sorry for what he did to you" Now it's mine turn to smile but I chuckle a little. "You're not the one I want the apology from Jaylin" I say. She looks up at me and chuckles lightly. "I guess we both want apologies from him huh?" She asked. I nod my head, "but that won't happen. Father doesn't apologize" I mumble. We sit in silence when Jaylin speaks up. "That day the police came. I knew they were coming" I look at her confused. She shrugs her shoulders and runs a hand threw her hair. "Before I heard you scream I was on the phone with Anthony and I told him everything" She admits making my eyes widen. She helped me. I knew she wasn't a bad person.

I grab her hand squeezing softly. "I knew you wanted to help me" I mumble. She squeezes my hand back nodding her head. "You wouldn't believe how angry Anthony was at me but I deserve it. I mean I helped abduct the person he loves most in the world and for that I am sorry" I breath hitches. Every time I hear someone say Anthony loves me or even Anthony himself tell me I can't help but smile and my heart flutters. Jaylin looks up at me with a sad smile. "He loves you more then he loved me" She mumbles. "Do you love him too?" She asked. I nod my head still smiling. "I love him so much" Jaylin smiles upon hearing my words. "Good, make him happy and he will always make you happy" She said before removing her hand from mine. I look at the clock that was on the wall seeing my break is almost over.

"I have to go but please try to stay safe. I heard jail can be rough" I say motioning for a guard. She brushes her fingers across the bruise that is on her cheek. "Just don't piss off the wrong people. I learned the first time" She drops her hand. We both stand and the guard puts the cuffs back on her. "I'll visit when I can" I say as she walks away. "Thank you Declan" Is all I hear before the door shuts behind them.

Back at work I am greeted with James standing at the front door smoking a cigarette. I take it from him and drop it to the ground stomping on it. "Those things will kill you" I say holding out my hand. He chuckles and digs in his pocket for the pack. He places it in my hand and I toss it into a trash can near by. "What's up" I ask glaring inside the cafe. No one is really in there so I should be good.

"Just wanted to stop by, Malachi is taking me on a date once he is done with school" He said keeping his eyes forward. I place a hand on his arm and he looks at me. "what's wrong James" I ask. His bottom lip trembles and tears well in his eyes. "I got a call from the hospital, my mom was almost beat to death by my dad" My heart breaks for him. I pull him into a hug and he sobs hugging me back. He pulls away wiping his face, "I tried to save her you know? I went to the house while my dad was at work. I talked to her and asked her to come with me but she said no. She said that she loved him and that she would never leave him" He rolls his eyes and balls his fists.

"How could someone love a guy that hurts them?" He asked. "I don't know that answer" I say looking down. I glance back inside to see Harper waving me inside and I nod my head. I lift James head up so he looks at me, "Enjoy your date James. Focus on that, Malachi has probably has something amazing planed for the two of you so enjoy it" I say. He nods his head then gives me one more hug. Once he left I head inside to continue working.
Sometimes I feel like Anthony gets frustrated with me. One night we were making out on his bed and I could feel his hard on against my ass because I was sitting on his lap. It was getting very heated, so heated that I freaked out and pulled away leaving him hard. I mean I was hard to but I was scared.

It was happening again, I was seated on Anthony's lap and we are making out. It's like I can do other things like blow jobs and hand jobs but when it comes to the real thing I freak out. Anthony's hands move to my hips pulling me closer to him and the bulge in his pants was pressed right against my ass. His lips move and a groan leaves his mouth. That's when my anxiety rises and I pull away gulping. I get off his lap and sit at the end of the bed trying to calm myself down. "Love? Are you okay? Every time we do this you-" He stops taking a deep breath. "I-I know and I'm sorry I'm...I'm just scared. I'm scared that we are going to do this and then you are going to just leave me. Use me and tell me it's not real. But I know it is because you have been so nice and sweet to me. But I can't get out of my head" I vent looking at him.

He grabs my hand and gently tugs me back onto his lap looking at me. "Baby, I would never use you like that. I'm not upset that you won't have sex with me. Blue balls are just really painful" I can't help but giggle which makes him smirk. I press my lips to his kissing him softly. "Sorry, I won't leave you hard this time" I mumble. I tugging at his sweatpants, he lifts his hips so I can tug them down along with his boxers. His member stands proud, I move down and take him in my mouth. His breath hitches and one of his hands rest on my head slightly gripping my hair.

I bob my head sucking him, he groans keeping my head right where he wants me. "Baby, I'm almost there" He breaths out. I move one of my hands into my pants to pump myself. The room fills with Anthony's groans and my small moans. A few seconds pass and Anthony comes in my mouth and I come in my hand with a small moan. Once I swallow everything I lift my hand up and wipe my mouth a blush covering my cheeks. Anthony reaches over and grabs some tissues wiping up the mess I made the throwing them into the trash. He pulls his sweatpants back up and pulls me forward so I'm laying on his chest.

"We will only have sex if you are comfortable with it. I will not force it into you. It can take a few more months maybe even a year, I don't care as long as you are ready" he murmurs pressing a kiss to my forehead. "I love you so much Anthony" I say snuggling closer to him. "I love you too Declan" I smile. I love when he says that. It makes me so happy to hear him say he loves me.
Gosh...that was kinda hard to write. I want to write a sex scene but I'm not good at writing that stuff. I just don't want it to be bad. I'm sure I'll make do...somehow. Have a good rest of your day/evening/night! <3

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