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Knocking on my bedroom door wakes me up. The light from the window brightens my room makes me squint my eyes. I sit up in my bed and stretch my arms above my head. I move the covers off of me so I can stand up. I walk to the door and open the it to see Brian. He holds out something to me that looks like clothing. "You have to be a work in 20 minutes. This is your uniform" He says. I take the clothes from him then close the door. I walk to my bathroom taking a quick shower then change into the clothes. It was a white shirt with black pants and a waist apron. I tuck the shirt inside my pants then walk out of the bathroom.

I walk out of my room down to the kitchen island where a bowl of fruit sits. Brian waits patiently next to me until he moves placing a small black box next to me. I look at the slim box then at Brian confused. "It is a phone. Anthony wanted me to give it to you" He explained sitting down next to me. I've never had a phone before. I put a piece of fruit in my mouth then pick up the phone. "How does it work" I ask embarrassed. Brian takes the phone from me but angles it so I can see the screen.

"It doesn't have a password but if you want one you can make one. The only thing on here so far is messaging and calling. Anthony's, mine and Jim's phone numbers are on here so you can call or text us if needed" He explained handing me the phone back. I turn it off then slip it in my back pocket. I finish my breakfast then Brain leads me to a car opening the door for me. I get in and he shuts the door and gets in the front seat.

Once at Reese's cafe I get out and walk into the small cafe. The vanilla smell hits me again. Harper bounces over to me with a huge smile on her face. "Good morning Declan!" She chirps. "Good Morning" I greet back. A girl walks up to us she is wearing the same uniform as me and her blonde is in a loose bun. "Harper one of my tables would like to speak with you" She says in a annoyed tone.

Harper takes a deep breath then let's it out. "Declan your tables are near the windows today so if you see someone be seated there they are your customers" She says quickly they walks away the blonde girl following after her.

I wait near the kitchen until someone gets sat at one of my tables. I take a deep breath to steady myself. This is my first time working at a place that people see me as a normal waiter not as a toy. I walk up to the table where two women sit talking to each other. "Good morning what can I get you ladies to drink?" I ask taking out my notepad and pen. They both look look up at me with soft smile. "I would like an ice coffee, extra cream and please add extra ice" The one with hazel colored hair said. I write it down quickly then look at the dirty blonde. "A blueberry muffin and a black coffee" I write that down as well then look at them. "Your order will be out shortly"

I give the drink orders to the kitchen then I grab the blueberry muffin. Once the drinks are finished I take the order to them.
After a few hours Harper walks up to me with a smile. "You can take you're lunch break Declan. We have a room near my office where some like to stay so you can go there if you want" She said then walked off. I walk down the hall and into the room across from Harper's office. There were two black leather couches, a small table with two chairs and a fridge with a few cabinets. I sit on one of the couches right as a vibrating sound goes off. I pull out the phone Brian gave me seeing a message from Anthony.

Anthony- Sorry I didn't get to say good morning, I had a lot of things to do this morning for work. But I'm bringing lunch so you can tell me how your day is going.

Declan- Okay

I put the phone back in my back pocket and wait for Anthony to get here.

A few minutes later the door opens and Anthony walks in with a bag in his hand. I stand up walking over to the table with Anthony following behind me. We sit and Anthony hands me something that is wrapped. "Alright I got us subs. I didn't know what you would put on it so I just put some things I put on mine" He says unwrapping his own sandwich. I unwrap mine seeing lettuce, ham, cheese, mayonnaise, and tomatoes.

I take a small bite and smile at the taste. "So, how was your first day so far?" Anthony asked taking a bite of his sandwich. I swallow my food before answering, "It was good I guess, very different" I mumble. I take another bite of my sandwich as Anthony just looks at me. "No one bothered you right?" He asked. I nod my head as I continue to eat.

After lunch Anthony throws the trash away then sits back down across from me. He lays one of his hands on the table in front of me. I look up at him confused but he just smiles then I get it. I hesitantly put my hand on top of his. My heart flutters at the feeling of our hands touching. I keep looking at our hands trying to remember how many times we have held hands.

"Why did you buy me" I blurt out. I chew on my bottom lip unsure if I want to know the answer. I know I asked at a random time but I really want to know why. He could just be trying to get close to me then hurt me or worse use me. Just thinking about it makes tears well in my eyes. "Because I wanted to help you" He answers squeezing my hand. "Declan, look at me" He said softly. I look up at him still chewing on my bottom lip. "I want to show you kindness, to show you what you deserve, to show you love Declan" He says.

My breath hitches and I squeeze his hand hard. "N-No, that's not-" I stand up yanking my hand away from his. I hug myself as his stands as well. Love isn't real...Love isn't real...know one will love you. "Declan" Anthony lays a hand on my shoulder and I jerk away. "I wanna be alone" I mutter turning away from him so he doesn't see my face. "Declan, I'm not going to leave you if-"
"GO AWAY!" I scream at him. My hand flies over my mouth as my eyes widen. Tears pour down my face. "Okay, text me if you need anything" He says calmly. I hear his footsteps then the door opens then clicks shut.

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