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I sit on my couch that was in my art room a glare on my face. Paint was all over me because I was throw painting, it is where I lay a canvas on the ground and just throw paint on it. It helps me calm down when I am mad. Of course there was a tarp under it I don't want the maids to hate me. My couch had a covering on it as well because I love this couch and I didn't want to ruin it.

I was breathless from throwing things of paint at the canvas. You know when painting in anger it comes out beautiful. The reason I am so angry is because Anthony booked me a doctor appointment with out telling me and I had to go. The worse part was he wasn't even with me when I went! Brian dropped me off then left and I was alone with a woman asking me these questions I didn't know how to answer. Then she gave me like a million shots and I wanted to scream. I am so mad at Anthony that I couldn't even answer when he called me. When Brian picked me up and dropped me off at home I immediately went into my art room and started paint throwing.

So here I am covered in paint looking at the canvas that has paint splatters all over it. I am still mad and I know Anthony meant well but he could've told me and been there with me. I looked at the door when I heard a knock. I stayed where I was not bothering to answer. I grabbed another thing of paint and threw it at the canvas with a small grunt. "Baby? Declan?" He thinks he can draw me out with the cute names but no I am staying in here. He would have to kick the door down. "Love, I know your upset that I set up that doctor appointment but you needed a check up. Please let me in" He said trying to open the door again.

I scoff at that. I did not need a doctor appointment. He is just saying that so I let him in and it won't work. He left me there without telling me what was going to happen! It was scary and he just let Brian leave me there. I hear the lock turn and the click of the door unlocking and my eyes widen. How did he...

The door opens and Anthony leans against the door frame holding a key in his hand making me frown. I thought I was the only one who had a key. Anthony looked around raising an eyebrow at the mess I made. I cross my arms over my chest looking away from him. He walked over and sat right next to me not saying anything. I turn to look at him to see him looking at me softly. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me onto his lap so I am facing him. "Talk to me. Vent. I'm listening" He said leaning back.

"Why didn't you tell me you set a doctors appointment? Why did Brian just leave me there only saying that I have an appointment. Why didn't you come with me? I was scared and didn't know what to do! A woman was touching me and sticking needles in me and I didn't know what to do" I say shifting on his lap. I wait for him to answer my question but he stays quiet then kisses me. I want to kiss back but I want answers so I pull away. "Love, if I would've told you, you would not have gone. I don't know why Brian left, I will talk to him once we are done and I wanted to be there but I was in meetings all day and when I tried to get out Hazel intercepted me telling me someone was waiting for me. So, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you" He said.

I can see how sorry he is by the way he is looking at me. I lean down and rest my head on his shoulder sighing softly. "I forgive you just don't do it again" I mumble lightly hitting his chest. He grabs my hands with a small chuckle. He kisses my knuckles making me smile softly. We stay there just sitting in silence. At some point Raven came in here and hoped onto the couch laying beside us and taking a nap. "Anthony" I say. He hums rubbing my back softly. "Do you think we will stay together?" I ask chewing on my bottom lip. I lift my head so I can see his face. He smiles and kisses my cheek making me smile. "I do. I want to stay with you forever" He says cupping my cheek. I cup his hand with mine and close my eyes.

"I love you Declan" Anthony murmurs against my lips. I kiss his lips and slowly wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you too Anthony" I murmur back then kiss him again. Anthony saved me and I owe him my life for that but I know just loving him is enough. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't ever want to let him go. My father was wrong when he told me love isn't real. Love is real and I see it everyday of my life. Brian and Blake love each other, they may not say it but it's all in the way they look at each other. James and Malachi are in love with each other and James deserves it.

I am in love with Anthony and nothing will change that. Love is real and anyone who's says otherwise has just been broken and needs help mending their heart. Everything needs time to heal even if it's only a small cut. Everyone loves someone know matter what.

I have learned so much with Anthony and I hope to learn much more with him.
Yay! That's the ending! I decided not to add a sex scene because of the way I made Declan. He needs time before moving to that step. I really hope you enjoyed reading this as much I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for reading Love Isn't Real. Have a good rest of your day/evening/night. <3

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