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My eyes flutter open but close at how bright the room is. I nuzzle my head into Anthony's neck which causes him to grunt. His body is pressed against mine but I feel something poke my abdomen. I move a little making my thigh brush up against whatever is poking me when I hear Anthony groan. I go still as my face heats up. I open my eyes to look at Anthony who is looking back at me with tired eyes. "Sorry baby, it'll go away" He mutters placing a soft kiss on my cheek before closing his eyes.

I take a silent deep breath before disappearing under the covers to find his little friend. I feel around until I finally palm his erection. I hear him groan as his hips snap forward. I pull down his briefs with my shaky hands and leave them at his thighs. His member stands proud and tall as my eyes widen at how big he is.

I close my eyes taking another deep breath. I haven't done this on my terms before so I'm a little nervous. My tongue darts out to lick his tip before taking half of him in my mouth sucking slightly. "Shit Declan" I hear Anthony hiss. One of his hands stroke my cheek under the sheets letting me know he is awake. I lick and suck him a little before taking him fulling in my mouth. He moans and his hips snap forward and his dick hits the back of my throat making me gag but I don't pull away. I bob my head up and down drawing out shuddering breaths from Anthony.

"Declan, I'm going to come" He panted. I don't pull away instead I slow down making Anthony growl. His hand moves to my hair fisting some of it. I choke when his hips snapped forward yet again then he comes. I swallow it then crawl back up for some fresh air.

Anthony runs a hand threw my hair smiling at me softly. "Thank you baby" He said pulling me in for a kiss which I happily give back. "Did you?" He asked looking down at my crotch area. I pull of his shirt to reveal my briefs. A wet spot is noticeable on the front of them and I blush hiding my face in his chest making him chuckle.

"Let's clean up then head downstairs for some breakfast" Anthony says sitting up then standing. He pulls off his briefs tossing them in the hamper before walking into the bathroom. I follow quickly after him. The shower is running when I walk in. Anthony grabs my waist placing soft kisses on my neck making me giggle. "Anything specific you want to do today Love?" He asked grabbing the hem of his shirt that I was wearing and lifting it over my head. I shake my head as we step into the shower together. The warm water hits my skin and I sigh at the feeling. "Hm, maybe we can head to the mall. I would love to spoil my baby" He said pressing a kiss to my shoulder. I frown at him, "you don't have to spend your money on me I have my own I can buy my own things" I mumble not wanting to be greedy.

I do have my own money, I don't really know what I'm saving it for but I haven't spent any of it on anything. Not even painting supplies because Anthony got me so much stuff when he gave me the room.

Anthony lifts my chin up pecking my lips. "I know you have your own money and you can use it on whatever you want but just know I would love to spoil you" He said giving me a soft smile. I nod my head then we clean ourselves.
When we get to the mall Anthony let's me wonder until I find a furniture store. I do want a couch in the painting room. Sometimes I stay in there late during the weekends and get really tired almost falling off the stool. I look around at the couches trying to find a cheap one when Anthony grads my waist pulling me up against him. "Get whichever one you what Love" He murmured in my ear. I chew on my bottom lip glancing at the black couch I saw. It is super soft and would be great in the room. "Can I get that one?" I asked pointing at the couch. Anthony places a kiss on my cheek before motioning a store attendant over. They talk for awhile then they walk over to the register and Anthony pays.

He walks back over to me wrapping an arm around my waist. "It will be at the house soon" He says kissing my temple. I wrap my arms around him squeezing a little. "Thank you" I whisper. Anthony chuckles rubbing my back softly. "Of course, anything for you my love" My heart flutter and my heat pools in my cheeks.

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