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Once I get done with work Brian picks me up and brings me home. I had to calm myself down during the rest of my lunch break. I was on the verge of a panic attack and I knew I couldn't talk with people until it went down. I feel really bad about yelling at Anthony, I don't know what he might do to me when he gets home. As I think more and more on the question on my mind my anxiety rises so I walk into my art room.

I sit on the stool facing a painting I've been working on for a few days. I was painting Anthony again but this time his chest was included in the painting. The image of him in his bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his waist was suck in my mind. I grabbed my paint brush trying to make the blush on my face go away. I immediately start painting. Something about getting lost in painting makes me feel free in a way. Like nothing can hurt me or the hurtful world just vanishes and I can just paint.

I was so lost in painting I didn't hear the door open behind me. But I do hear the footsteps so I put my paint brush down glancing behind me to see Anthony leaning against the wall near me. I grab the canvas to hide it but he's already seen it by the look he is giving me. It was a smirk and I put in back on the stand blushing like crazy. "How was work?" I ask to change the subject. I know he is going ask but I at least tried.

"Fine, you?" He asked back. "You already asked me that" I mumbled glancing at him again. He nods his head then stands up straight holding out a hand for me. "Let's go we need to talk" That's all it takes for my anxiety to rise. I gulp as I take his hand, he tugs me up and out of the room. He pulls me down the hallway right into his room. My hands shake and my heart pounds in my chest.

We stop at a body mirror. Anthony let's go of my hand and I look down not wanting to look at myself. "You got upset when I mentioned love Declan" He murmured. "Can I know why?" He asked. I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Love isn't real" I mumbled looking at my shaking hands. I felt his breath on my neck as he stood behind me. One of his hands was sliding up my hip to rest on my waist squeezing softy.
"Is that what they told you?" He voice was close to my ear making me shiver. His other hand grabbed my chin making me look up and into the mirror we were standing in front of.
"Yes" I answer meekly.

I stare at myself, I want to look away but he has a tight grip on my chin so I can't. My eyes flicker to his in the mirror. His hand that was resting on my hip made my heart be slow down a little but also made it flutter. "Declan love is real" He murmured in my ear. "It will take time but one day you will love yourself because you are an amazing person Declan. You will do amazing things in the future" He continues. A shiver runs down my back as he takes a step closer. His chest pressing into my back making me warm.

He tips my chin up so I can look at him and he looks down at me. "I will help in every way I can love" He says leaning closer to my face. I don't move away not because I can't but because I don't want to. His lips brush against mine my face heats up as he presses our lips together. My eyes flutter shut as he kisses me, it was gentle and sweet. I've never been kissed like this before and it feels amazing. The feeling in my stomach comes immediately and it feels good.

Anthony pulls away looking down at me with warm eyes before kissing me again but deeper this time. I open my mouth for him and he immediately slips his tongue in taking over. This kiss was a little rough then the other one but I still liked it. He pulls away again leaving me breathless. Anthony let's go of my chin and squeezes my hip again. The feeling in my stomach doesn't go away and honestly I don't want it to.

"I want you to see a therapist" He says. I turn around so I we are chest to chest. I look up at him my eyes wide and I gulp. "W-What? W-Why?" I ask nervously chewing on my bottom lip. He runs his hand up my arm to my neck resting it there. "Just to help you a little and it gives you someone to talk to" He answers. I look away from his face just to wrap my arms around his waist giving him a hug. He wraps his arms around me as I dig my face in his chest.

I guess it would help if I talked with someone about what happened to me. I don't really want to but I can at least try and talk to someone. "Okay" My voice was muffled by his shirt but he hums letting me know he heard me. "I'm really proud of you" Anthony whispers. Something sparks in me at the praise. He kisses the top of my head then let's go of me and I reluctantly let go of him as well. "I'll call my therapist to set up a date and time" He says then kisses my forehead.

Anthony sees a therapist? Does he have things in his past that to? I wanna ask but I don't want to have him explain if it's to much for him. "You're adorable when you are thinking" Anthony chuckles. I look up at him resting my chin in his chest. "What do you mean?" I ask. "You get this far away look and you furrow your brow" He explained. I blush and I walk away from him embarrassed. He chuckles again and follows after me. "Let's go eat" He says. I nod my head and walk out of his room Anthony following behind me.
Ahhhhh! Their first kiss! So adorable!
I have been waiting for a chance to use the paragraph that I put in the description and I think this is the perfect chapter! Hope you enjoyed <3

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