02: homemade twinkie

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"So freaking special."


"So Mr. Medina is gonna be your dad?"

That thought made Cassie want to hurl herself off the Chilton roof. She faked a gag causing the girl on the other side of the phone to laugh.

"Don't say stuff like that," Cassie told Sophie, using her shoulder to hold the phone as she searched her closet.

"Well technically-"

"Technically he is Mr. Medina, our English teacher," Cassie cut her off.

"And your future step-dad," Sophie reminded her, and she could practically hear Cassie roll her eyes. "I'm sorry babe it's happening."

"It sucks."

Cassie could hear Sophie moving around on the other side of the line. The two of them had been talking for an hour, going over all the life changing events that's happened to them in the last couple days.

"Now I have to pick out a stupid outfit, to go to this stupid dinner, because my genius sister is the top three percent," Cassie scoffed pulling a dress out of her closet.

"Skip the dinner," Sophie told her. "Come to my house instead."

"Emily would have an aneurysm if I didn't show," Cassie groaned but then she smiled a little. "But I am excited to see the look on her face when Rory walks in with Dean."

"Take pictures for me?"

"Of course," Cassie and Sophie laughed, then Cassie's door opened, revealing an almost ready Rory.

"What are you doing?" Rory gasped when she saw that Cassie was still in pajama bottoms and a sports bra. "Dean is gonna be here in fifteen minutes, then we have to go."

"I know," Cassie told her, the annoyance clearly heard in her tone. "I'll be done in a second. Chill." Rory rolled her eyes at her sister before leaving her room. "This night is going to kill me."

"Hey, I have an idea," Sophie said. "After your dinner, come to my house."

"Really?" Cassie asked, finally picking out a dress for the evening.

"Yes! We can eat tons of junk food, watch movies, and talk crap about Mr. Medina. You in?"

Cassie smiled, nodding her head. Momentarily forgetting that Sophie couldn't see her. "Yeah, of course I'm in."

"Perfect. I will see you later Cassidy."

Cassie could hear Sophie's laugh before she hung up the phone. Shaking her head Cassie tossed the phone on her bed and quickly changed into the dress she picked. She didn't really care about dressing up that night, but she knew it meant a lot to Rory.

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