23: all my fault

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"Should it have been me?"


Cassie was less than eager about the fact she'd be spending her Friday night with Sherry. She didn't even know why, it's not like Sherry did anything to make Cassie upset. Just the fact that she existed was enough to make Cassie roll her eyes.

Despite all her protests, Cassie was dressed and ready to go. But she knew from the second she met Sherry that there was absolutely no way she'd make it through the entire night without a little bit of assistance. Which is why Cassie was sitting by her window with a joint between her fingers. She was trying her best to keep the smell outside, not that it was working very well.

She inhaled deeply, the comforting feeling of calm surrounding her body as she leaned against the wall. Cassie had gotten a little too familiar with the feeling of a joint or a cigarette between her fingers. Smoking joints with Sophie or cigarettes with Jess, switching between the two when she was alone.

"Hey," Rory knocked on Cassie's bedroom door before opening it. "Are you re- Oh you've got to be kidding," Rory froze when she saw the joint in her sister's hand.

"Wanna hit?" Cassie asked her as she held the joint towards Rory.

Rory scoffed, "No. No, I don't want a hit."

"More for me," Cassie shrugged.

"No, put it out," Rory told her as she closed Cassie's bedroom door, not wanting Lorelai to hear them. "Please, just-"

"Fine," Cassie stubbed out the joint, holding her hands in surrender to make her sister happy. "Better?"

"How much did you have?"

"Not nearly enough," Cassie answered as she stood up to put the joint somewhere Lorelai wouldn't look. When she turned around Rory was looking at her with a nervous expression. Cassie sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I'm fine Rory. Hungry, but fine."

The expression on Rory's face didn't change. She knew Cassie wasn't fine, she hadn't been fine in a while. Smoking was only a small part of it.

"Okay," Rory nodded, knowing now was not the time to get into it with Cassie. "I have to get my purse."

"Let's get your purse then," Cassie sighed.

Rory nodded again as she opened Cassie's bedroom door and the twins went down the stairs. Lorelai looked over at them as they slowly walked down the stairs, confused as to why they both suddenly seemed quiet

"Girls, hurry, they said six," Lorelai reminded them.

"Yeah but it's six Dad time so it's more like 6:30," Rory replied as she adjusted a piece of her hair.

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