14: friendly towns

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"He still loves you."


"What is he doing here?" Cassie asked, sounding more nervous than she thought she'd be.

"And why is he walking like a cartoon character?" Sophie asked as her head tilted to the side. Cassie looked over at him, realizing he really did look a cartoon character. "God, he has no sense of balance."

"This is not good, this is not good," Cassie shook her head as Josh made his way to the diner.

The door abruptly swung open causing everyone's eyes to shift as the Dawson boy stepped into the diner. He looked around for about two seconds before he found his girlfriend sitting at the counter.

"Cassie!" He pointed to her practically giddy with excitement.

"Oh no," Sophie immediately shook her head as an embarrassed look appeared on Cassie's face.

"This is not good," Cassie said again.  

"I've been looking for you," He said in a sing-songy voice as he put one arm around Cassie and the other around Sophie.

"Oh god," Sophie cringed as the smell of pure alcohol surrounded the three of them. Cassie winced, the smell coming off of Josh making her head hurt. "Did you drink the entire liquor store?" Sophie whispered, hoping that no one else could smell him

"Josh," Cassie looked around the room, realizing that everyone in the diner was now watching them. She wasn't surprised, this is Stars Hollow, everyone here is required to be nosy. "Josh, what are you doing here?"

"I missed you," He admitted to her as he let out a sigh. "I- Cassie, I was an asshole to you yesterday," He began saying, not realizing how loudly he was speaking. "I know that now. I shouldn't be an asshole anymore."

"Josh," Cassie stood up from her seat, forcing her boyfriend to stand up straighter. He kept his arm around her, holding her tightly enough that she couldn't step away from him. She looked to the corner of the room, seeing her mom and sister looking at her. "Josh, how about we go outside okay?"

"No," Josh shook his head as Sophie already began gathering up their stuff. "No, I'd like a burger. Where is..." he turned his head, smiling when he found Luke, "ah, there you are."

"Here I am," Luke looked at Josh like he wanted to punch him. Jess was standing beside him, an equally annoyed look on his face. Except Josh didn't notice the expression on their faces, or at least he was too drunk to care.

"Luke, I'd like a burger with-"

"I'm sorry," Cassie interrupted her boyfriend as she looked over at Luke. Because she did see the annoyed looks on their faces, and she knew how bad this all looked. "I'm so sorry," She apologized to Luke. "Josh, we're leaving," Cassie said, causing him to frown. "Soph, can you-"

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