21: worth the risk

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"I want her back."


"Wake up!" Sophie yelled as she walked into the bedroom, going straight to the windows. She pulled the blinds back hearing a groan as light flooded into the room. "We have school and you can't skip again."

"You're watching my attendance?" Josh rolled over looking at Sophie. Her shoulders fell when she saw the dark circles under his eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly.

He rolled his eyes, knowing what she was asking him. "Fine."

"You aren't sleeping."

"I had a lot of homework to do last night," Josh lied to her.

"Mhm," Sophie hummed as she walked over to Josh's closet grabbing his uniform and tossing it in his direction. "Get dressed."

"I don't want to go," Josh replied as he pushed his uniform away.

"You can't keep skipping days when you class with her," Sophie told him, causing Josh to roll his eyes.

"I haven't been-"

"Yes you have," Sophie cut him off. "You've been avoiding me too."

Josh looked down for a moment, knowing that Sophie was right, he had been avoiding her. He knew that Sophie was Cassie's best friend, and he wasn't going to try to take Sophie away from her. But he did miss Sophie... and Cassie, he really, really missed Cassie.

"Sorry," Josh sighed then grabbed his uniform as he stood up from his bed.

"Good," Sophie smiled. "I'll find us some food," She told him before walking out of his room to go to the kitchen.

Holding his uniform in hand Josh looked down at the picture on his bedside table. He was glad Sophie hadn't seen it, or maybe she did but chose not to say anything. It was him and Cassie, he couldn't bring himself to get rid of it. In fact there were a lot of things that belonged to Cassie in this room.

Josh looked away from the framed picture and quickly put on his uniform. He walked down the stairs, fixing his tie as he walked into the kitchen. Sophie was taking some eggo waffles out of his toaster and putting them on two plates.

"Here," She said, handing Josh the plate.

"Thanks," Josh took the plate and sat down at the counter. "Why are you here?" He asked her.

"Because you're my friend too," Sophie answered with a smile.

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