20: termite attack

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"Our house is falling down."


This morning Lorelai woke up with a smile on her face. Even though it was her alarm that woke her up it was just one of those mornings where you wake up happy. She sat up, reaching over to turn the alarm off. Lorelai grabbed her robe before heading downstairs.

She smiled when she saw her daughters sitting at the kitchen table, both of them with a cup of coffee in front of them. Lorelai poured some into her own mug then went out the backdoor, wanting to grab the newspaper. But just as she was about to head down the stairs her foot went right through the porch.

Lorelai looked down, seeing the hole and her own foot in the hole. "Girls!"

Upon hearing their mother yelling both girls stood up going to the front door where they found Lorleai staring at the hole.

"I'll call Kirk," Cassie said right away before turning and going back inside.

It took Kirk all of five minutes to arrive at their house. He went under the porch while the Gilmores went back inside.

"So do you think the porch is falling apart or do you just weigh a ton?" Rory asked Lorelai as she took two waffles out of the toaster.

"The porch is fine. It just has a little extra ventilation in it now, that's all."

Cassie shook her head, "The wood is old and rotting."

"The wood is not old and rotting, it is strong and sprightly and will be with us for a long, long time to come," Lorelai told her.

"So you do weigh a ton?" Rory asked her as Kirk opened their backdoor.

"Well, I checked under the entire house," Kirk told them.


"You have termites," Kirk told them and Cassie cringed looking down at the floor.


"Tens of thousands of them. Subterranean, dry wood, the gamut," Kirk continued.

"Gross," Rory shook her head.

"Four of them crawled up my nose," Kirk added.

"Oh ew," Cassie winced.

"It happens all the time when you're upside down. To them the nostril looks just like another hollow passage in the wood. They're not too bright," Kirk said.

Lorelai let out a long breath, "Okay, so, we have termites. So what do we - um," Lorelai held her arms as wind blew through the house. "Don't you want to come inside Kirk."

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