22: Sherry

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"Pretending to be nice won't kill you."


"There's nothing on," Cassie complained as she sat down between her mom and sister with a bowl of popcorn in her lap.

All three of the Gilmore women were currently flipping through the channels, trying to find something they could all watch. It had been a hectic couple of days for all of them so they were happy to have this time to do nothing but eat popcorn and watch tv.

"There's always something on," Lorelai shook her head at her as she continued to flip through the channels. "Ah! Stuck gold!"

"No!" Cassie leaned her head back.

"Not Two Fats Ladies again," Rory added as she shook her head at the tv.

"Why not? They're brilliant."

"Because it's a cooking show and you don't cook," Rory reminded her.

"That might change."

"Fat chance," Cassie laughed.

"Yeah probably not."

"Plus, we've seen all of them like five times. They're all repeats," Rory added.

"Yeah sadly because one of the fat ladies met her maker," Lorelai told them.

Cassie's eyes widened, "What? No."

"Which one?"

"The fat one," Lorelai answered hesitantly.

"Come on, which one?" Rory asked as she snickered quietly. "The one on the motorcycle or the one in the sidecar?"

"See, it's fun just talking about the Two Fat Ladies," Lorelai pointed out.

The doorbell rang and Cassie quickly put her finger to her nose. "Nose goes," She laughed, not wanting to get up from her seat.

Rory rolled her eyes but stood up, "We need a new method of selection," she said as she walked to the door to see who was there.

"Switch the channel," Cassie said, taking the remote from Lorelai.


"If only there was a service where you could stream everything," Cassie shook her head as she flipped through the channels.

"That'll be the day," Lorelai agreed before turning her head to find Paris walking into their house. "Hey Paris. Were we expecting you?"

"You should've been. I'm going to get set up," She replied before walking to Rory's room.

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