32: runaway Gilmore

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"You aren't second best

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"You aren't second best."

When Lorelai woke up the morning after the accident the only thing on her mind was Rory. She immediately got up and checked on her daughter's arm. Rory woke up to not just her mom but also her dad fussing over her.

"When did you get here?" Rory asked, looking over at her dad who was bringing her a cup of coffee.

"Last night," Chris answered as put the mug in Rory's hand. "So how's the arm?"

Rory looked down at the blue cast on her arm before shrugging her shoulders. "Not bad."

From the kitchen Lorelai looked in at Chris and Rory. She smiled at the two of them, the vision of a happy family appearing in her mind. That's when she remembered what Cassie said to her the night before. Lorelai never thought of herself as the kind of mom who played favorites. That possibility never even crossed her mind.

Lorelai filled another mug with coffee, hoping that she could use it as a peace offering. As she walked up the stairs Lorelai was trying to think of the right thing to say to her daughter. Except words suddenly seemed to have no meaning and Lorelai had no idea what to say.

She knocked quietly on Cassie's door, waiting patiently for Cassie to either open the door or say come in. But she did neither. Lorelai knocked again, this time a little bit louder. Once again, there was no response. Lorelai opened the door, expecting to find her daughter asleep in her bed, but she wasn't.

Cassie's blankets were pushed to the side revealing an empty mattress. Her window was still cracked open. Lorelai set the coffee down as she walked into the room. A look of disbelief appeared on her face as she moved over to the window.

"Chris!" Lorelai yelled but he didn't respond. "Chris!"

The sound of footsteps running up the stairs could be heard throughout the house. He ran all the way to Cassie's room, stopping by the door. "What? Lor?"

"She's gone," Lorelai put her hand over her heart, realizing she had no clue where Cassie was.
"What do you mean she's gone?"

"Cassie snuck out the window and she's gone!" Lorelai pointed to the open window.

Chris ran a stressed hand through his hair. He realized he had absolutely no idea what to do, he's never had to deal with something like this before. "Okay, okay. Let's think. Where would she go?"

"I... don't know," Lorelai shook her head, a panicked feeling in her chest. "I don't know."

"How about a friend's?" Chris suggested.

Lorelai nodded before walking past Chris to go back downstairs. She headed straight towards the phone, dialing the number to the Dugray house. Lorelai felt nothing but fear as the phone rang once, twice, three-

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