03: rebuild together

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"Doesn't matter. I'll be there."


"Summer school sucks." Sophie and Cassie were now standing in front of Chilton with their uniforms on and frowns on their faces.

The girls both groaned as they walked into the school, they headed towards the bulletin boards knowing they needed to pick some extracurriculars. Half of the student body was there for summer school. And they were all there for one reason, the ivies.

Ivy League education was the goal for most Chilton students. If they didn't apply to at least one Ivy then there was something wrong and it needed to be fixed.

"Hey," Cassie gave a quick wave when she saw Paris, Madeline, and Louise standing by the boards.


"Hi," Madeline and Louise smiled at her while Paris just glanced over at her.

All of them knew about Paris' issues with Rory, but she didn't seem to have a problem with Cassie. Not yet anyway.

"Spending the summer at Chilton. Happy, happy, joy, joy," Louise said sarcastically.

"Oh tell me about it," Cassie agreed looking over at the lists.

"If I don't improve my French grades I can kiss Vassar goodbye," Madeline told them and they knew the pressure she felt.

"You need to follow a study schedule. I've been telling you this since second grade," Paris reminded her as she took diligent notes about what was on the bulletin boards.

"Yes, which worries all of us."

"Maybe I won't go to college," Madeline said and all eyes shifted onto her like she said the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"You have to go to college."

"She doesn't have to go to college," Sophie told Paris who just rolled her eyes at the statement.

"Princess Grace didn't go to college," Louise added, defending her friend.

Paris scoffed, "Thank you for the history lesson AJ Benza."

"Take a pill."

"Marry Rich."

Rory came around the corner, Madeline noticing her first. "Hey."

"Uh... Hey," Rory smiled back at her. She looked over at Cassie, the two hadn't said much to each other since their little argument after Friday night dinner. Rory apologized and Cassie forgave her, but things were still... off.

"You're stuck at summer school too?" Madeline asked and her question actually managed to get Paris to look away from the bulletin board.

"Uh, yeah."

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