06: come back

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"Do you have to leave?"


Lorelai knew something was wrong with her youngest daughter. They were only halfway through summer break and Cassie has managed to spend all her time with Sophie. She even went on a girls trip with Madeline and Louise to New York for a day. Lorelai wasn't all that confused by her daughter's actions, she did the same thing whenever she wanted to get out of the house as a kind. Only problem, Lorelai didn't know what Cassie was running away from.

This morning was unusual, since Lorelai actually had two daughters in the kitchen for breakfast. Everything in the house seemed normal, but Lorelai knew something was off.

"I'm thinking Luke's," Lorelai announced as she sat down.

"We're already eating poptarts," Rory told her, looking at the toasted pop tarts that were in front of her.

"And I have to get back to Hartford," Cassie added as she took a bit from her breakfast and Lorelai frowned.

"Honey you were just there yesterday... and the day before that," Lorelai replied but Cassie simply shrugged her shoulders. "Just to Luke's, you can go after."

"I need to take a shower before I go," Cassie told her, providing yet another excuse to not stay at home for long. Lorelai let out a sigh, and Cassie knew right away that it was from disappointment.

What Lorelai didn't know was that Cassie was spending pretty much her entire summer partying. When she told Lorelai that she was spending the day in New York she was actually going to NYU parties with Louise and Madeleine. When she said she and Josh were going to a drive-in movie she was really getting high with him, Tristan, and Sophie.

"Josh is leaving tonight for two weeks," Cassie reminded her, hoping that maybe this excuse was better than her shower one. "I want to say goodbye to him."

"Oh right. I guess that makes sense," Lorelai nodded, and Cassie gave her a soft smile. "Will you be home tonight? Maybe we could all see a movie," Lorelai suggested.

Cassie shrugged her shoulders "Yeah, I'll call later and let you know. I have to go get ready."

Cassie stood up from the table and went upstairs leaving Rory and Lorelai at the table. Lorelai looked over at Rory but she just wanted to eat her poptart. Unfortunately you can't ignore Lorelai's stare for very long, it's very distracting.

"I don't know anything," Rory told her mom, not being entirely honest.

Rory knew about a sliver of what Cassie had been doing, but she only found out through other people. Cassie hasn't actually admitted anything to Rory yet. Rory also wondered if part of this was her fault, if she was the reason Cassie wanted to be away from them. That's part of the reason Rory hadn't said anything to her mom, because she knew if she did she'd be pushing Cassie further away. But of course, she was growing a little bit worried for her sister.

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