13: eye candy

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"Quit stalking me."


"I can't believe you had a coming out party," Sophie laughed, trying her best to picture the event.

"This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you," Cassie shook her head as the two of them continued walking towards the lunch hall. "I knew you'd laugh."

"Of course I'd laugh," Sophie replied as she finally contained her laughter. "Well, how was it?"

"These girls told me and Josh that we should get married," Cassie told her and Sophie gasped. "And that we'd have pretty kids."

"Oh my god. Oh my god," Sophie laughed. "What did you say?"

"Nothing, it was so awkward," Cassie replied.

"Did Josh say anything about it?" Sophie asked her as they turned a corner.

Cassie didn't answer right away. In fact her expression gave away more than anything she'd say out loud. "We haven't really talked much since then," She admitted. "He's canceled pretty much all our plans, I've hardly seen him."

"It's probably nothing," Sophie told her, hoping it would make Cassie feel better. "He's been spending too much time with Tristan,-"

"Duncan and Bowman," Cassie nodded.

She'd heard about the stuff that Tristan and Josh had been up to recently. She knew that they were getting into trouble a lot, but she also knew there wasn't much she could do to stop him. She didn't want to be the girlfriend that told her boyfriend who he could and couldn't hang out with, but that didn't mean she didn't worry about him.

"What?" Sophie asked her.

"What, what?" Cassie looked at her with a confused expression.

"The look on your face," Sophie tried to explain but Cassie was still confused. "You look worried."

"I'm not worried," Cassie told her, "just confused I guess."


"It just... it feels like he's pulling away from me, I don't know. Canceling plans, not talking to me, he's never done that before," Cassie shrugged as they walked into the lunch hall. "Maybe I did something."

"You didn't do anything," Sophie told her as they grabbed trays and got into line. "Look, I've known Josh for basically my entire life. He's probably the stablest person I know, expect-"


"Except when he isn't," Sophie said as they grabbed food from the lunch lady. "Thank you."

"Thank you," Cassie said, smiling at the woman before turning back to her best friend. "What do you mean except when he isn't."

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