28: post breakup shit

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"I think I might know my feelings better than you do."


Staring at the ceiling has become Cassie's new favorite way to pass time. For the last two days she has spent hours looking at her ceiling. She has become familiar with every paint stroke and genuinely considered putting some sticky stars just to be more entertained.

Cassie doesn't know why she's so stuck on this. So she thought about Josh when she kissed another guy, it doesn't mean anything, right? Ethan's the first guy she kissed post Josh, and she had been kissing Josh for almost a year. It's totally natural that he was the first person she thought about. Right?

"Damn it," Cassie sat up, shaking her head. "Stop thinking about him," she told herself, this time she actually got out of her bed. Her ceiling wasn't solving any of her problems today.

Cassie walked into the kitchen, wanting to grab a before bed snack. Just as she opened the freezer the phone began to ring. Cassie turned her head as she grabbed a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream from the freezer. She closed the freezer and grabbed a spoon, slowly heading in the direction of the phone. Before she could even leave the kitchen Lorelai came flying down the stairs ready to answer it.

However before either one of them could answer the phone the machine picked it up. The two Gilmore looked at each other as they listened to Lorelai's voice over the answering machine.

"Hey, we're not in, so- Ah! Bashed my thumb! Leave a message," Lorelai said and they both laughed at the message.

Then they heard Emily's voice, both of them suddenly glad they hadn't picked up the phone. "I am so tired of this ridiculous machine. I get it every time I call..."

"Oo, that was close," Lorelai said looked over at her daughter who was putting a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

"Too close," Cassie nodded in agreement.

"You and the girls are always out. What is it that you do? Is your house that awful that you can't be in it?" Emily said, not realizing that there were two people listening in on her rambling. "It's too much excitement, if you ask me..."

"Well, what isn't in Emily's rules of conduct," Lorelai shook her head.

"I don't want to talk to a machine, I'll just call you later," Emily said before hanging up the phone.

"If you had your way, Mother, you'd lock us up like veal," Lorelai said.

"Veal?" Cassie questioned as she walked over to the bottom of the stairs.

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