30: StyleAid Corporation

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"I don't want you to avoid me."


For the past few weeks Josh's life has felt normal again. He no longer spent every free second thinking about Cassie and how everything went wrong. He didn't watch her from across the hall wishing she'd look up and see him. Things were getting better, he was feeling better.

Then this economics project came and whacked him back to December. Rory was the group leader for their project and now her grandpa was going to be their advisor. The Gilmores were coming at him left and right, and now he was watching Cassie walk through the hall again.

Josh was pretending to look for his binder in his locker. Except the binder was in his hand, and his eyes were on Cassie. She was walking to the end of the hallway, a smile appearing on her face when Rory and Richard walked up to her.

Cassie gave her grandpa a hug, not caring that people were shooting confused glances in her direction. Josh couldn't help but smile as he looked at her. He couldn't take his eyes off her, until-


Josh flinched when Stella Hayes appeared at his side. He quickly forced his eyes off his ex girlfriend and onto his new one. "Hi."

"Whatcha looking at?" She asked him, noticing the distracted look on his face.

"Oh, I was looking for my econ binder," He replied. Stella looked down at the binder in his arms, pointing to it. "Right," Josh forced a laugh.

"You're lucky you're so cute," Stella told him. "So wanna walk me to class?"

Josh shook his head, "Can't. I have this econ project and you know Paris," he said, using the Geller girl as an excuse.

"God she's so annoying," Stella shook her head. He nodded in agreement and before he knew it her lips were on his. It was a quick kiss, nothing special, they were both pulling away after five seconds. "I'll see you after school," She said, with a suggestive smirk on her face.

"Sure," he nodded, knowing what she meant. Then she was walking away, and his head turned to where he last saw Cassie. Except she wasn't there anymore, and neither were Richard or Rory. "Crap," He whispered under his breath, realizing he was now officially late to class.

"Okay, but that means that we would actually have to build a robot," Rory said to Madeline as Josh quickly walked into the classroom and took an empty seat.

All eyes, including Richard's, went onto him. "You're late," Paris told him.

"Won't happen again," Josh replied only then noticing the look he was getting from Richard. "Nice to see you again Mr. Gilmore," He said, using a very polite tone of voice. Richard simply nodded at him, not saying another word.

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