25: Plantonic Smiles

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"I am trapped and desperate."


The line at Luke's was longer than the line for Jungle Cruise at Disneyland. Ever since they started work on the apartment upstairs the place had been nothing but chaos. Contractors and architects were constantly walking through the diner on their way upstairs, while everyone tried to avoid the drywall falling in their food.

"Geez look at this place," Lorelai's eyes went wide as she and the twins walked into the diner.

"It's a mess," Rory agreed.

They spotted an empty table in the middle of the room. Instead of wondering why no one sat there, the three Gilmores decided to sit down. Luke saw them, his eyes immediately widening when they sat down. "Nope- you can't sit here."


"Three people got nailed in the head here earlier," He told them.

Lorelai gave him a confused look, "But their food was okay, right?"

"Will you just move?" He asked right as Lorelai's phone began to ring. "Outside."

"You know, if I sit here one more second, I just might be outside," Lorelai retorted as the twins sat down. "Order me some coffee," Lorelai requested before walking out the door.

Jess walked into the room, smiling when he saw the twins sitting down. He walked towards their table, opening an umbrella and handing it to Rory before walking away.

Luke, who was standing behind the counter, shook his head at his nephew. "Oh, you are really funny. You and Tom should put an act together," Luke told him but Jess was already halfway out the door. "I'd leave it open if I were you."

The girls looked at each other in confusion but kept the umbrella open. Rory held tightly onto the umbrella, their eyes widening when the roof literally fell onto the umbrella. Cassie looked down at the ground seeing the roof now on the floor by her backpack.

Cassie was busy staring at the ground that she didn't notice when a certain Stars Hollow friend of hers walked in. Julia, her friend from the third grade, noticed her right away. She smiled, "Hey Cassie!"

The younger twin looked up, finding who called her name. "Hey," Cassie smiled at her, "I'll be right back," she said to her sister before going over to Julia.

"Ah, big news!"

Cassie's eyes widened as she gave Julia her best excited look. "What about?"

"Party at my house this Friday, and you are coming," Julia told her but when Cassie looked like she was going to object Julia started talking again. "Please! It's been so long since you've been to a Stars Hollow Party. We've missed you."

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