05: jello shots

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"She's having fun

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"She's having fun."


Since the day she was born Cassie has always looked up to her mother. Lorelai Gilmore was the woman Cassie aspired to be. Cassie respected her and listened to her rules... for the most part. Lorelai has always been someone Cassie could depend on, and she could tell her anything without fear of judgment.

Well everything except for this.

Cassie stayed in bed for as long as she could. Mostly because she was too scared to tell her mom what happened the night before but partly because she didn't want to say goodbye to Max with her mom and Rory. Lucky for her Max was teaching a course in Canada and would be gone for most of the summer. Cassie knew that Mr. Medina was about to be her step- father, but she was really really glad she didn't have to spend the entire summer with him.

She felt awful. Cassie wanted so badly to be happy for her mom, but everytime she saw her and Mr. Medina together it made her want to fling herself off the nearest roof. And now, on top of all that, Cassie had sex.

When Cassie went down the stairs for breakfast the morning after Lorelai's engagement party she had a pit in stomach. There was this feeling of impending doom. Not only would Lorelai find out what happened, but so would Rory. Cassie wasn't sure who's reaction would be worse.

Just as she reached the bottom step Lorelai and Rory walked back into the house. They were laughing and the sound made Cassie feel worse, because she knew she was about to ruin it.

"You're finally up," Lorelai smiled when she spotted Cassie.

"Yeah sorry," Cassie smiled back at her as they walked into the kitchen. "I was so tired."

"Yeah well we Gilmores party hard," Lorelai laughed as she opened one of the cupboards.

Rory went to the other side of the room, grabbing three mugs. "Where did you go?"

"What?" Cassie asked, a flash of panic appearing in her voice.

"You and Josh disappeared after a while..." Rory said hesitantly, wondering why Cassie looked like a scared cat. Rory thought she was asking an innocent question, she didn't think she was doing any harm. "Dean and I looked for you."

"Uh..." Cassie laughed awkwardly, "about that, I have something to tell-"

"There's no coffee!" Lorelai yelled and the twins looked over at her. "How on earth are we out of coffee?"

"Maybe because we drink about eight cups a day," Cassie shrugged, glad that the topic had switched.

"I need coffee," Lorelai began running around the kitchen desperate for something. "I haven't had any yet!"

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