09: Harvard

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"I will be standing there smiling as I saying I told you so,"


They were here. They were actually here. Harvard university.

Rory's dream school.

Sure it wasn't Cassie's dream but it was still Harvard University. Anyone would be a fool to not be amazed by such a place.

"I don't believe it," Rory shook her head. "I think I'm dreaming." Smiling brightly Cassie reached over, pinching Rory's arm as hard as she could. "Ah!" She gasped before she of course smacked Cassie's arm as hard as she could in retaliation.


"Girls we're at Harvard," Lorelai reminded them, noticing the looks of confusion they were receiving from the real Harvard students.

"What are we doing here?" Cassie asked, turning forward so they were all looking at the school again.

"We are beholding both of your futures," Lorelai answered.

"It's big."

"You have big futures."

"I can't believe it. I'm actually standing outside of Harvard," Rory said, practically jumping with excitement.

"Well, Come on," Lorelai stepped forward but before she could make it very far Rory grabbed her arm.

"Wait. Come on where?"

"Inside," Cassie told her, laughing at her sister.

"We can't go inside."

"Is there a force field or something around the place?"

"This is Harvard," Rory told them.

Lorelai laughed quietly, "I know."

"This is Harvard," Rory said again, this time enunciating every word.

"We know," Cassie told her, copying her tone.

Rory looked at the school then back at her mom and sister. "You can't just go inside, you need a guide."

"I'll be your guide."

"Yeah Mom will be our guide."

"What do you know about Harvard?" Rory asked her.

Lorelai smiled, "I know this. Look, there's Harvard," She said, pointing to the school.


"Come on Rory," Cassie urged her.

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