19: mr. peanut pajamas

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"You should know I'm not a very patient person."


The rest of the dinner carried on nicely. Well other than when Luke, Cassie, or Jess picked random garnishes off their meals. Conversation flowed easily between everyone and even Jess contributed a word or two when Sophie asked him about New York.

They were all finishing off their last course, while the servers were grabbing people's empty plates. People held their stomachs, feeling the bloating that was already occurring. Only problem now was that they still had dessert to eat.

Sophie was talking to Babette and Paris was just looking away from Miss Patty when her attention focused on Cassie. The Gilmore was looking down at her plate, nodding her head every once in a while. Paris tilted her head in confusion, then it hit her, someone was missing from the table.

"So Cassie?"

Cassie looked up, her eyes meeting Paris'. "So Paris?"

"Where's Josh?" Paris asked her and Cassie felt her heart drop into her stomach. Sophie looked away from Babette and Jess lifted his head, beginning to pay attention to the conversation. "You guys are usually all over each other," Paris remembered.

"Yeah uh..." Cassie looked down again.

"I'm just surprised he's not here."

"We, uh, we broke up," Cassie told her, pretending she couldn't feel the prying eyes shifting onto her. "That's why Josh isn't here."

"Oh," Paris looked at Sophie, not knowing what to say. For the first time Paris actually had no intention of making one of the Gilmore twins uncomfortable. "Sorry."

"It's fine," Cassie smiled awkwardly, looking around at the people looking at her. "Don't worry about it, you didn't know."

"My lord, shall dessert be served?" Rune asked, and Cassie was grateful that the attention was off of her.

"Anon humble servant," Jackson nodded and the servers began bringing dessert out

"Can I eat my dessert with the horses?" Clara asked Dean from a few seats down.

Sophie looked over at Cassie, the two of them having an entire conversation with just a few eye glances. When Cassie finally understood what Sophie was asking her, she nodded her head an excited look on her face.

"You know I think we're gonna have our dessert with the horses too," Cassie smiled as she and Sophie stood up from the table.

"Wear a jacket," Luke told her and Cassie smiled at him. Cassie looked at Jess as she brought two fingers to her lips, letting out a breath to try to explain to him what they were actually doing outside.

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