12: the fan dance

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"You guys are totally gonna get married,"


The eyes of all three Gilmore women widened when they walked into the ballroom. Everyone was running around, ensuring that everything would be absolutely perfect for the event. There was a woman instructing the decorators, people hiding at the bar.

"Whoa," Cassie gasped.

"This place is huge," Rory said, still taking in the sight. "Do we have to walk down those stairs?" She asked then Cassie looked over at the stairs.

"Oh, I'm afraid so. Unless you wanna make a really memorable entrance and just slide down the banister. Which I totally encourage by the way," Lorelai told them.

"We'll keep that in mind," Cassie said absentmindedly.

"And you are?" Some woman asked them,

"Lorelai Gilmore," Rory answered.

"Late," the woman corrected her.

"Sorry, my fault," Lorelai told her. "Took me a while to get pretty. Not all of us are sixteen anymore, you know what I mean?" She laughed but the woman's expression didn't change. "Sorry."

"You two are to head up the stairs. The preparation room is on the right," She told the twins before walking away.

"Look for the toxic cloud of Chanel and Final net," Lorelai told them and the girls nervously began walking towards the stairs. Cassie looked back at her mom who smiled at her, mouthing, "Slide," making Cassie laugh.

"I can't believe we're doing this," Rory whispered.

"You shouldn't have agreed," Cassie told her, feeling more and more anxious with every step they took.

"This is for Grandma," Rory reminded them but she sounded more unsure now than she did a day ago.

"Right," Cassie nodded as they made it to the preparation room.

There were about ten other girls in the room, already dressed and putting their makeup on. Every single one of them looked like they prepared for years while the Gilmores stood there with complete and utter fear in their eyes.

"Hang your dresses there, and put your makeup on over there," She said pointing to different spots around the room. "You'll have to make do with a nin-lighted mirror. The lighted ones went to the girls that were here before dawn." She told them and the twins shared a frightened look. "Listen up ladies, everyone must be beautiful and ready to go by 7:30," She announced and the girls in the room all gasped.

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