15: barely awake

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"Nothing makes sense anymore."


Cassie was trying her best not to fall asleep. Her teacher was in the middle of talking about Shakespeare and all Cassie could think was how nice it would be if she could just lay her head down on the table. But of course if she did that she'd be dozing off in seconds.

For the past week Cassie hasn't been able to sleep properly. Which was unusual for her, for pretty much her entire life Cassie had been blessed with the ability to fall asleep when she needed to. If her head touched the pillow she was out. But now, she'd be lying in bed for hours on end, becoming very familiar with her ceiling.

"Believe it or not, Shakespeare probably never intended his plays to be read by students sitting at desks more concerned with getting A's than with the fate of Macbeth," Their teacher told them. "His plays were meant to be experienced, lived! So with that in mind, together with my third-period Shakespeare, you will be split into five groups, and each group will assume responsibility for one act of "Romeo and Juliet," which will be performed a week from Sunday," She told them as she handed every student a packet.

"Ugh," Cassie groaned, she hated public speaking.

"You will nominate the director, you will cast the scene, rehearse the scene, and interpret the scene in your own individual manner. Last year, we did "Richard III." One group did their scene at the mafiosi. Another set theirs during the Roman empire. And my favorite... The climactic last scene was set during the final days of "the Sonny and Cher show," She told them and the class laughed politely. "Just remember... whatever interpretation you choose should highlight the themes you see in the scene."

The bell rang and without hesitation half the class stood up, all of them eager to leave the room. The sounds of papers moving and backpacks zipping suddenly filled the room as their teacher gave her last piece of information.

"And if the love of the bard's language still doesn't inspire you, remember, this will be 50% of your final grade," She told them.

"Act 5," Louise said with a smile.

Cassie looked down at her paper before saying, "Act 5."

"Act 5?" Paris looked at Rory.

"Act 5," she confirmed and Paris suddenly looked very annoyed.

"Why don't they just sew our sides together and rename us Chang and aang?" She asked as she stood up from her seat.

Cassie slowly continued packing up her bag, feeling too tired to care about the project right now. She looked over at Sophie, who was sitting on the other side of the room. Cassie walked over to her, glad that the class period was finally over.

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