16: kind of love

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"I'll see you around Cassie"


"Cassie! Cassie!" Rory pushed the door to the bathroom open, not caring that Cassie was in the middle of her shower.

"What?" Cassie pulled the shower curtain back looking at her sister in annoyance.

"We're rehearsing here now," Rory told her. "Paris switched out rehearsal here. In Stars Hollow."

"Oh, at least now we don't have to drive to Hartford," Cassie smiled before disappearing back behind the shower curtain.

"No, it's not okay," Rory said but Cassie was confused.

"Why?" Cassie asked as she carried on with her shower.

"Because that means Tristan will be here," Rory reminded her. "And Dean lives here."

"I don't get it," Cassie confessed.

"If Tristan sees Dean he's gonna tell him about the kiss." Cassie's eyes widened as she remembered what happened between Tristan and Rory. She began laughing, almost hysterically, she couldn't believe she forgot about their kiss. "It's not funny Cassie!"

Cassie stopped laughing, turning off the water once she finished her rinse. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry," she said, reaching for her towel. "So what's the plan?"

"Well Mom thinks I shouldn't say anything," Rory told her.

"What?" Cassie stepped out of the shower, a confused look on her face.

"He can't know. The kiss happened right after Dean told me he loved me," Rory told her. "Dean can't know."

"But you're Miss Honesty," Cassie reminded her. "You don't keep secrets like this."

"I can't tell him."

"I think you should," Cassie told her as she walked out of the bathroom going to her room. Rory following right behind her.

"What?" Rory asked as she sat down on Cassie's bed. "You think I should tell him?"

Cassie sighed as she opened her closet, "If you don't tell him it's gonna mess you up forever. You aren't a liar Rory."

Rory went quiet, thinking about what Cassie said. Cassie was right, Rory hated lying, she hated keeping secrets. Rory was never good at keeping secrets. But she needed to keep this one, Dean could never know.

"You aren't gonna tell him, are you?" Cassie asked her as she pulled her shirt over her head.

"I can't," Rory admitted.

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