17: ugly babies

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"become more cynical and self absorbed"


Cassie usually loved this time of year. She shared her mother's love for the snow and everything that came with it. She thought it was beautiful and magical, but it was different this year.

This year Cassie is learning what real heartbreak feels like. It's been a week since she lost him, and she refuses to talk about it. She decided it was easier to focus on other things. She tried her best to fill every moment of her day so she would have less time to think about him. Which is why she insisted that this year the Gilmore family should participate in the annual snowman making competition.

Each year the three Gilmore women would go out into the center of town and try to build a snowman. Every year they'd pick some celebrity to base it off of. One year they made Tom Cruise and this year Cassie decided they should make Bjork.

Lorelai and Rory realized right away that Cassie was using the competition to keep herself busy. For the most part Cassie seemed fine. She laughed at her mom's jokes and finished off the semester with A's in most of her classes. But she was quiet. The smile that appeared would fade quickly and her laugh was softer than normal. It's like she was trying to put on a brave face, and her family didn't know what to do. They just let her be, knowing that when she was ready she'd open up to them again.

"How do you like that mouth?" Lorelai asked, causing the girls to look over at the face.


"It's uh," Cassie turned her head, hoping that Rory would tell Lorelai the truth.

"It's not very mouthlike," Rory admitted to their mom.

"Oh, I think it works," Lorelai told them.

"It's tilted to one side," Cassie said pointing to the mouth.

"Yeah, no, it was intentional," Lorelai told her before looking over at snowwoman Bjork. "It gives her a unique expression."

"Like she had a stroke?" Rory asked, causing Lorelai to frown in disappointment.

"Fine, I'll just use the Mrs. Potato Head lips," Lorelai held up the lips from Cassie and Rory's playset when they were 5.

"No," Rory immediately shook her head, "forget it. Leave stroke-mouth. It's not like we're gonna win this anyway."

"Not with that attitude."

"Face it. That is the single most incredible snowman I have ever seen," Rory said pointing to the other side of the field. Cassie and Lorelai both frowned when they looked at the man who was building a snowman that was practically carved by god.

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