10: Luke's nephew

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"You must be Jess."


"How are your eggs?" Rory asked, still giving Lorelai the stink eye.


"I'm glad."

Lorelai looked up, seeing that Rory was still staring at her. "They're still good."

"I'm still glad."

"Look freak, we will not be late," Lorelai told her.

"Rory just leave Mom alone, we'll get there when we get there" Cassie said from the counter. She chose to sit closer to Luke, she missed him this summer. And he'd never tell her but he missed her too.

"It's the first day, I wanna get there early," Rory said looking behind her at Cassie.

"We'll be there early. I promise," Lorelai told her.

"I have different classes this year, my routes aren't the same. I haven't found the quickest path around. And my locker, they moved it, so I don't even know if it'll work properly and then I'll have to get a new one and God knows how long that'll take or where it'll be and that could send the whole day into chaos," Rory ranted and Cassie just laughed at her. "I'm just excited."

Lane rushed into the diner, running over to the Gilmore's table. Cassie waved at her, before turning around in her seat to continue eating her breakfast.


"What?" He gave her an annoyed look.

"More coffee please," She asked him with a bright smile. He opened his mouth to say no but then Cassie began speaking again. "Please. It's the first day of school and I have a newspaper meeting after school." He let out a sigh before refilling her cup. "Thank you."

Cassie turned her head just as Taylor walked into the classroom with a bunch of boys following him. She gave them a weirded out look, wondering what the hell they were doing.

"Everybody, listen up. Decide what you want, place your order, and then proceed to the end of the line," Taylor told the group of boys.

"I want a burger."

"I want a grilled cheese."

"Me too."

"And I want fries, extra crispy."

"I want mine crispy too," the first boy said.

"You didn't order fries."


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