31: rory's accident

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"Cue the violins

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"Cue the violins."


"What about Scream?" Cassie suggested as the three Gilmores walked into the diner.

Rory shook her head, "That'll scare the little kids."

"So?" Cassie asked, failing to see the problem.

Yesterday Lorelai was given the job of picking this year's town movie. She ticked off Taylor and he quickly gave her the job to stop her from pestering him. Now the three Gilmores were hard at work trying to think of the perfect movie to present.

"We need to start elimination options and stop adding more," Lorelai said as she looked down at her list which had hundreds of movies written down. Lorelai and Rory sat down at the counter while Cassie calms moved to the other side.

"I think we take off Urban Cowboy."

"Aw," Lorelai pouted, she looked up only then realizing her youngest daughter was trying to sneak off. "Where are you going?"

"Upstairs," Cassie turned around smiling at her mom.

"Upstairs? Like to Luke's apartment?"

Cassie smiled, "Yeah, I need to talk to Jess."

Hearing his name sent shivers down Lorelai's spine. She didn't like how friendly both of her daughters were being towards the Mariano boy. Lorelai would prefer it if they both hated him.


"I'll see you guys at home," Cassie turned back around, not waiting for Lorelai's approval before she went up the stairs.

She knocked on the door once before opening it. Jess was standing in the middle of the kitchen with a box of cds in front of him. "Are you filing?" She asked him, welcoming herself into the apartment.


"You know I'm beginning to think you might actually be a dork," Cassie smiled as she shut the door and moved to sit down on Jess' bed.

"You know I don't remember inviting you in," Jess said, shooting her a friendly glare. Cassie looked over at him, smiling waiting for him to accept his fate. After about twenty seconds Jess sighed, shaking his head in defeat. "Whatever."

Cassie laughed softy, "Come on, you know your days are better when I'm in them."

"You really are delusional."

"Yeah, yeah," Cassie sighed as she pulled her binder out of her backpack and laid it out in front of her.

Despite the cold exterior he was putting up, Jess actually didn't mind having Cassie here. She wasn't bothering him or trying to dig personal details out of him. They could just be in the same room and not actually say anything to one another.

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