11. Neil Young

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"I already know you look great in a tux."


Cassie was sitting happily at the counter in the diner, sipping on a cup of coffee Luke had given her a few minutes ago. It was peaceful, quiet, it was the perfect morning. Until...

"It sucks. I know it sucks, just tell me it sucks," Rory said to Lorelai after giving her the piece she wrote about Mr. Medina. She had Cassie read it the night before while Rory read Cassie's piece on the new players for the football team. It wasn't profound like Rory's paving piece but Paris enjoyed it.

Lorelai set the papers down, looking over at her oldest daughter. "It's great."

"No it's not."

"It's an A."

"Don't lie," Rory told her.

Lorelai laughed, "A plus."

"You're my mom," Rory reminded her.

"Hey I told you it was good too," Cassie said to her.

"You're my sister," Rory replied.

Lorelai continued, "It's an A plus with a crown and a wand."

"This is not how you raise a child. You don't send them out there with a false sense of pride," Rory told her mom. "Because out there, in the real world, no one will coddle you. I'd rather know right now if I'm gonna be working at CNN or carrying a basket around its offices with sandwiches in it."

"What kind of sandwiches?" Cassie asked her.

Rory turned her head, confused by Cassie's question. "Why does that matter?" She asked only to receive a shoulder shrug from her sister.



"It's great," Lorelai told her, giving her back the paper.


Lorelai looked over at Cassie, wanting her to add. "Really really," she said with a smile.

"Thank you," Rory smiled as Luke approached them from behind the counter.

"Coffee, coffee, coffee," He said as he refilled each of their mugs. "Okay, what do you want? Eggs, toast, combo?"

"What's the rush there, Zippy?"

"I'm just swamped this morning. I was supposed to have help," He said gesturing towards the stairs, meaning Jess. "But I don't. So order right now or I'm bringing the both of you an egg white omelet with a side of steamed spinach."

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