27: lusty eyes

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"You think I'm hot?"


"Oh my god."

Sophie's jaw practically fell on the floor as Cassie led her and Jess towards the house. The front door was open allowing loud and obnoxious music to be let out onto the quiet streets. There were tons of people there, some just arriving and some that had clearly been there a while.

"Oh jeez," Jess cringed when his eyes accidentally found a couple making out in the bushes.

"Cass," Sophie reached forward and grabbed her best friend's arm, "You sure about this?"

"I'm completely, 100%, sure about this," Cassie informed her as she continued walking towards the house, leaving Sophie and Jess with no choice but to follow her.

Now Sophie didn't want to be that prep school girl who's idea of a party meant bottles of stolen champagne and bodycon dresses, but she was. She's never been to a public school party. This was something straight out of a cheesy teen comedy and not necessarily in a good way.

"Don't look so scared, come on!" Cassie yelled at them from the front porch.

Jess started walking towards her, not sure if it was a good idea to leave her here. Sophie followed a few steps behind him, looking around the front yard like a documentarian looking at feeding frenzy in the wild.

While Cassie's eyes were filled with excitement her two friends looked more confused than anything else. The entire place was packed with people Cassie used to go to school with. There were people making out against the walls, people tapping a keg in the living room, girls touching up their makeup in every mirror they could find. It really did look like the set of some coming of age movie.

"Oh man," Jess immediately rolled his eyes when he stepped into the house, suddenly wishing he hadn't followed Cassie and Sophie.

"Wow, this is..." Sophie shook her head, trying to find the right word.

"Juvenile," Jess said, finishing her sentence.

"Yeah," Sophie nodded in agreement.

"Cassie!" A girl screamed when she saw the Gilmore Girl at the front door.

"Hey!" Cassie ran towards the redhead, their arms immediately embracing each other with excitement.

"You came!" Julia cheered as she and Cassie rocked side to side before letting each other go.

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