04: wilderness skills

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"take me upstairs"


The excessive knocking woke Josh up from his nap. He had fallen asleep on his couch, too exhausted to make it upstairs to his room. Who knew teaching kids to play lacrosse could be this tiring?

Josh reluctantly stood up from the couch. He was still in his practice clothes, and his hair was damp from sweat. It wasn't a pretty sight.

"What?" He asked opening the door, not yet knowing who it was.

"I'm so screwed," Cassie informed him, not bothering to question his current state as she walked into his house. "I'm not getting into college. I'm gonna be stuck in Stars Hollow for the rest of my life."

"Cass?" A confused expression found his face, his eyes were still groggy from sleep. "I thought you were coming over later? Why is there dirt on your face?" He asked, looking at her appearance.

Cassie was still in the overalls she wore to build a house. Only now she was covered in dirt and her body was sore from building. Her hair was a total mess, only partly hidden due to the Yankees hat that sat on her head.

"Did you not hear what I just said?" She asked him, a panicked expression on her face. "I am not getting into college."

"Why not?" He asked, sitting back down on the couch.

"Because I don't do anything. I don't volunteer, I haven't led a study group, I don't do anything," She told him, pacing back and forth in front of him.

Josh sat up slightly, trying his best to give her his full attention. "Start at the beginning," he asked her.

"Rory and I went to that rebuild together thing, right," She began and Josh nodded. "And Paris was there."


"And she tells us that good grades don't get you into a good school. It's the extras. Because everyone applying has good grades and test scores," Cassie spoke quickly, making herself run out of breath. "And I have good grades, not top 3 percent or anything but decent, but I don't do anything."

"You do things," Josh told her.

"Like what?"

"You're going to be on the Franklin," He answered and Cassie nodded. "You play baseball with your town, and you once helped Ms. Hollis grade papers."

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