08: fuzzy certs

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"What is a roadtrip without tunes?"


Cassie felt defeated. The wedding was this weekend, school would start a couple days after. The only thing she had to look forward to was Josh coming home.

He'd been gone for two weeks, vacationing with his dad in London. And while he did call a couple times it was nothing like having him right in front of her. She missed, so much. She never thought she could miss anyone this much.

At least he'd be there during the wedding. Cassie was a little worried that she'd try to sabotage it. Maybe she'd pull a parent trap and put a lizard on Mr. Medina's head.

Cassie turned her head, seeing her bridesmaid dress hanging from her closet door. It was a beautiful dress, Cassie could admit that. Cassie wanted her mom to be happy more than anything. She deserved it. After everything Lorelai has done for her and Rory, she deserved to find the guy that made her happy.

"Pack," Lorelai pushed Cassie's door open, moving straight to her daughter's closet.

"What?" Cassie sat up, looking over at her mom.

"Pack," Lorelai repeated.

"Why?" Cassie asked her.

"We are hitting the road," Lorelai told her as she began pulling some clothes out of Cassie's closet. Cassie shook her head with disbelief. "Pack everything. We don't believe in traveling light."

"Mom, why are we hitting the road?"

"We haven't been on a road trip in forever," Lorelai reminded her.

"But..." Cassie paused, not believing she was about to say this, "but you're getting married this weekend." When Lorelai didn't answer her Cassie quickly figured out what was going on, but she didn't believe it. She needed to hear Lorelai say it. "Mom, are you getting married this weekend?"

Lorelai turned around, holding a bunch of Cassie's clothes in her hands. "No..."

"Are you sure?" She asked and Lorelai nodded.

She could see the tears in mother's eyes and it broke her heart. Cassie wondered if part of this was her fault. Maybe God actually listened when she prayed that the wedding wouldn't happen. She wanted her mom to be happy, and now she was standing in front of her with tears in her eyes.

"Where are we going?" Cassie asked her as she began pulling clothes from her closet.

"We don't need to go-"

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