24: missing bracelet

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"Patience grasshopper."


It was a normal night for the Gilmore Girls. They were on the hunt for ice cream only to realize they didn't have food in the house. Which is why they were now walking down the quiet streets of Stars Hollow in search of dessert.

"Well I think I'm finally ready to get a tattoo," Lorleai announced.

"Oh please," Rory shook her head while Cassie just laughed.

"I am."

Cassie shook her head, "You've been saying that for the last five years."

"I know, but I mean it this time."

"Fine," Rory sighed as she looked over at her mom. "What are you getting?"

"Mel Brooks."

Cassie snickered, "Mel Brooks?"


"What do you mean, why?" Lorelai scoffed at her daughters. "The Two Thousand Year Old Man, Young Frankenstein, Silent Movie - you don't think Mel has earned the right to have his face on my butt?"

"I'm so sorry Mel," Rory shook her head.

"Oh he'll love it, trust me," Lorelai smiled then thought about her ice cream again. "So, rocky road hot fudge sundaes and two cans of whipped cream to go with the movies?"

"Trying to give Mel a bigger canvas to work with?" Cassie asked her.

"Hey, the man's a legend, he deserves the best," Lorelai held her hands up in defense as they walked past the diner. The Gilmores looked in the window, seeing Luke sitting on a chair by himself. "Hey."



Cassie looked in the window, seeing Luke alone in the diner. "What's he doing?"

"I'm not sure," Lorelai went quiet for a second. "Hey, will you girls go get the ice cream and make sure they give us a ton of maraschino cherries?"



"Thanks," Lorelai smiled at them before walking into the diner to go see Luke.

Rory started walking away, not realizing that Cassie hadn't followed her. She looked to her left, realizing Cassie was still standing by the diner. "Cass?"

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