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I made him carry me up the stairs to bed afterward, claiming I could no longer walk and it was his fault. He playfully tossed me on the bed and I threw off my clothes, too lazy to put pajamas on. His body was warm enough to keep me cozy during the night anyway. I cuddled up to him, falling asleep in record time. He was still awake, studying my face in the moonlight drifting in through the window. He exhaled slowly and kissed my forehead, "It's gonna kill me when you leave me for him," he whispered.

Morning came too soon, the sunlight was blinding. I hid my face in Meliodas' chest to try to block it out. He giggled, I jumped as I didn't realize he was awake. He stroked my hair, "Morning." I looked up at him confused, he wasn't his usual cheerful self this morning. "What's wrong?" I asked, booping his small nose. He wiggled his nose in response making me smile, "Nothing. Just happy right now." I smiled again, laying my head on his chest. I listened to his hearts beat for a while, "Can you teach me how to hear your thoughts?" I asked. "Hmm? Sure, but it's easiest when you've drank my blood recently," he replied. "That's not a problem for me," I grinned up at him. I climbed on top of him and sunk my teeth into his neck. His blood was much richer than a human's, it tasted so good.

I licked his neck playfully as usual and went to move off of him when he pulled my hips down to thrust his cock inside me. The suddenness made me gasp. He wasn't letting me get away with teasing him this time. He bucked his hips off the bed, bouncing me up and down. I was still a little overstimulated from last night so he made quick work of me, "Bite me when you cum," he ordered. I did as he commanded, biting him and moaning, feeling him cum in sync with me. Back to back sex with him was great but exhausting at the same time. "Okay, that's pretty much the closest link we can get between the two of us. I don't know exactly how to teach you except to say focus on me in your head and my voice," he explained, "Focus on the feeling of me inside you right now and that moment just a minute ago of us cumming together and you drinking my blood."

I did as he asked, closing my eyes and focusing on those feelings. "She's so pretty, especially with my cock inside her." My eyes sprang open to the mischievous grin on his face,"You heard it, didn't you? Not only did your eyes fly open but your pussy squeezed me because you're my dirty girl who loves my cock." I moaned softly in response when he thrusted into me slowly as he said his last sentence. We were both so overstimulated he groaned as well. "Now that you know the feeling, it should be easy to hear me. We can communicate this way over long distances." I heard his voice in my head. "This is pretty neat!" My words made him chuckle. "Can I only hear you if I focus on you?" I asked. "Nope, like I said now that you know how it feels I can purposely send you my thoughts to communicate telepathically. Just focus on trying to send me the thought, that's actually what you did last night you just didn't realize it," he explained. "Cool!" I exclaimed then kissed his lips sweetly before getting off of him, "Should probably get ready for the day."

We had a full house and about midday I heard whispers of the Rust Knight being nearby. "Do you guys smell rust?" Hawk asked Meliodas and I. Just as he finished his question, the door flung open and the Rust Knight entered. All of our customers ran screaming for their lives. "Who are you? You scared away all my customers," Meliodas confronted them. They mumbled something under their breath before passing out. Their helmet rolled off, revealing Elizabeth. My instincts immediately told me to leave and as I was about to, Meliodas reached back and grabbed my wrist. "Don't." His voice was loud and clear in my head, he knew exactly what I was about to do and he wasn't going to let a repeat of 20 years ago happen.

He carried her up to a spare room and put her in a bed. I gathered a bowl of cold water and a rag to use as a cold compress on her forehead. Hawk was with me and we walked into the room together to see Meliodas groping Elizabeth's boob. He couldn't help himself around her and that's exactly why I would leave every time. Hawk heard my breath hitch in my throat at the sight and attacked Meliodas. He was planning to anyway but he knew this hurt me to see. I wouldn't look at the blonde in the eyes, it was happening again and I knew it was going to but a part of me had hoped this time would be different. She had awoken as he was groping her and he played it off as if he was checking her heartbeat. I tuned out the entire conversation, focusing on locking my emotions away so I didn't feel my heart aching.

My mind went to Zeldris of the last day I saw him: tears were flowing down his cheeks from his green eyes, the look of agony in them made me sick to my stomach. Then I thought of his sweet face as he slept next to me over those two years we spent together. That was the happiest I'd ever been in my life and probably would ever be again. "Ali..." I jumped at the sound of Zeldris' voice in my head. Surely that was just me remembering his voice and not what I'd experienced earlier with Meliodas. But it sounded exactly like that, loud and clear. How was that possible? He's sealed away...right? I was so lost in thought I didn't hear Meliodas or Hawk saying my name. "Ali!" Hawk yelled as Meliodas shook me a bit. I finally snapped to at the physical contact. I pulled away from him immediately. The hurt in his eyes crushed me but he'd already done so to me when I walked in on him.

He brushed it off so Hawk and Elizabeth wouldn't ask questions, "Are you okay?" I wasn't going to lie to him, he knew me far better than to fall for my lies, "No, I'm not." I turned and left the room to go lay in bed and sulk but also try to hear Zeldris again. I plopped down face first on the bed and pulled the covers up over my head. Meliodas came in the room and sat on the edge of the bed, "Ali, I-" he started. "You what, Mel? You what? You and I will never work out because you can't help yourself around her and I tried to tell you that. That's why I left Danafor. That's why I always leave because I can't watch you be with her," I let out a small sob. I shouldn't have come back, I shouldn't have stayed. I should've never took him up on the offer a thousand years ago either. This was my fault, I knew better. "I'm going to pack my things in a little bit and go," I mumbled.

"No, I'm not letting you leave me again," he countered. I whipped the covers down and sat up to glare at him, "What am I to you? Am I just your emotional support in between Elizabeths? Have you never noticed that over the last 1000 years you want pretty much nothing to do with me when she's around? It's my fault for putting myself through it over and over again. I'm an idiot but maybe you're my emotional support too since Zel's been gone for so long." Both of us were hurting for the obvious reason of our past lovers but now we were hurting each other. He grabbed me into a tight hug that I couldn't get out of. "I know...I'm selfish...but I don't want to let you go," he whispered, I could feel hot tears wetting my shirt. I hugged him back finally, "I'm selfish too...I don't want to let you go either but this isn't healthy for either of us, Mel."

"What do we do then? She wants to find the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins to help save Liones from rogue Holy Knights. Will you stay and help us?" he asked quietly. "I don't know if that's a good idea..." I sighed and looked at him. His stupid cute face made my heart ache. "Fine, but I don't know if we should share a room anymore or anything," I suggested. He frowned at me, "I can control myself around her, I swear." I frowned back at him but then he gave me puppy dog eyes and I caved again, sighing heavily, "Finnnneeee!" He grinned and kissed my lips, "Okay. We should go make sure she's okay though, passing out randomly isn't exactly healthy."

We walked back into the room Elizabeth was in, I hadn't actually introduced myself to her. "Hi, I'm Aleister, but you can call me Ali," I greeted, smiling. She smiled back at me, "It's nice to meet you Miss Ali, I'm Elizabeth Liones." "Just Ali is fine," I corrected, "Liones as in the kingdom? Are you a princess?" She nodded, "I'm the third princess, but please just call me Elizabeth!" She was so polite. "Well that makes two of us," I shrugged not really thinking that she'd want to ask follow up questions. "Oh? What kingdom?" she was genuinely curious. "Oh, uhh, it doesn't exist anymore," I responded abruptly. It wasn't a lie but I didn't think about how it sounded. "I'm so sorry," she gave me a sad look. "It's fine, I don't know anything about it anyway." Why do I keep talking? Meliodas gave me a "Stop talking" look. "Are you hungry, Elizabeth?" Meliodas asked her.

She nodded so we brought her downstairs and unfortunately for her I never learned to cook since I could live off of blood so she was stuck with his cooking. He gave her a plate of food with a grin on his face. She took a bite and paused, "It's terrible, right?" he was still grinning. I elbowed him in the ribs when I noticed she was crying. "Are you okay, Elizabeth?" Hawk asked, his voice full of concern. "Yeah, it's just so bad but so good!" she gave us a closed eye smile.

So that's how our journey to find the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins started. We were on our way to the Vaizel fighting festival now. Ban and I became friends quickly, we were both immortal so that's probably what drew me to him. King was wary since he'd never heard of me from his Captain and suddenly he had an intimate relationship that seemed like we'd known each other a long time. Diane hated me in general because of my relationship with her Captain.

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now