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"Maimai! Asta! If you don't hurry up we're leaving you in the demon realm!" I yelled at my youngest boys, who insisted on sharing a bedroom even though we had a ton in the castle, leading to problems like this all the time. "Mooooommmmmmaaaaaa! Maimai took my sword and he won't give it back!" I heard Asta shout. I sighed and looked at Zeldris and Meliodas, "Go deal with your little demons." Astaroth and Amaimon were 4 and 5 now, respectively. Meliodas had been mostly in the demon realm now, seeing Tristan for a week out of each month give or take. Though whether he actually saw him or not, we didn't know. Tristan visited us once to meet his brother but hadn't come back since. Zel and I stopped saying anything to Meliodas after he exploded on us a little after Astaroth turned 2. It was evident he wasn't really welcome in Liones, but then again neither were we by extension.

At 17, Azriel and Niya were able to go to Britannia as they pleased, though Azriel stayed in the demon realm most of the time to be with Iseldis. Despite being a "full" vampire, her body was still aging as if she were only partial, we suspected it had to do with Azriel only being a quarter when he turned her. If you didn't see their eyes, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Azriel and Zeldris, same build basically and nearly height, except Zel still wore the same outfit most of the time while Azriel wore "in-style" clothes. Both Amaimon and Astaroth needed a regular supply of blood as well, each with tiny sets of fangs that I couldn't help but gush over. Niya ventured to Britannia on her own more often than not, frequenting the Fairy King's Forest. We knew it was to see Lancelot but she clammed up whenever we asked, blushing like crazy.

We were taking the little guys to Britannia for the first time today, they'd been begging for months and we finally caved. "Hi Momma!" Amaimon and Astaroth slammed into my legs, holding on tightly and giggling. "You ready to see Britannia?" I asked them, tousling their hair. It was like having twins again, born on the same day just a year apart. Astaroth was just as happy and giggly as a baby as his older brother and his fangs came in about the same time. They were both little shitheads now though, trying to fight each other all the time to see who was stronger. Amaimon just a tiny bit more, because he was older, and running through the castle driving the servants crazy. According to Xena, it was like having Meliodas and Zeldris as children in the castle again, which made me laugh as the dads were exasperated with them a lot of the time.

"Do humans taste good, Momma? I heard Azy and Ise talking about blood and how some of it tastes better than others!" Amaimon asked suddenly. I internally face palmed, those teenagers needed to watch what they blabbed about around these two, "Nah, the pills are much tastier!" I lied. I didn't need them deciding they didn't want the pills anymore. Both Meliodas and Zeldris had been temporarily turned several times now, each time recovering thanks to their regenerative abilities but I started to wonder if it'd have an effect on them over time. I didn't have a good indicator of how demons aged since Meliodas was immortal for so long and Zeldris was sealed for just as long but neither had seemed to age much in the last few years and any wounds they sustained from training with each other seemed to heal quicker than before. Not that I really could notice since I was busy all the time with two teenagers and two small boys but it made me wonder.

"Alright, let's go ya little demons," Zeldris announced, grabbing them off my legs and carrying each under an arm like luggage, making them giggle wildly. We headed towards the entrance to Britannia, three adults with two tiny demons should be easy, right? Wrong, they were much more rowdy than the twins. They were fearless and took off running as soon as we got out of the cave. Thankfully since we were all young and kept up with training it was easy to keep up with them but it was a totally different experience than bringing Azriel and Niya for the first time. Once we caught them and had a tight hold of their hands, we started walking around aimlessly, everything was new for them so they didn't care.

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now