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"Stop," Meliodas ordered as Bertol walked towards me. He looked at him then to me, "The other demon! And you're pregnant with his child! That must mean you're here for Iseldis!!" I was disturbed, this wasn't the man we'd met a couple years ago...at least, he wasn't sane anymore. "We've been making offerings to you and your children so that we may be blessed by you and earn our place in the ranks of your clan," he sounded giddy. "Where is your daughter, Bertol?" Zeldris asked, sickened by the sight of him. Bertol ignored Zeldris and turned his attention to Meliodas, "You! King Zeldris is our leader and protector, but you...you are the harbinger of temptation and death. It's no wonder Iseldis was ill after you appeared in her vision, the aura coming from you is enough to make any human sick to their stomach for days! Your child will truly be a sight to fear and behold!"

I frowned, Meliodas wasn't like that and neither would our baby. Bertol looked at me and saw Amaimon in my arms. "Ahhaa! The first of the founders of the new vampire clan, a new era! To be able to lay my eyes on him at such a young age, the youngest son of King Zeldris and Lady Aleister..." he started weeping, "May I come closer that I may give him an offering?" he took a step forward and before any of us could think, Meliodas was in front of him, his sword in Bertol's stomach, "That's enough out of you, you psychopath." He spit up blood on Meliodas' face, "I knew this was my fate, to be killed by the King of Death. I am sad I will not be able to witness your son..." the light faded from his eyes, Meliodas pushed his body off his sword with his foot. "Momma...I don't like this at all," Azriel whispered in horror, clutching my shirt. Niya was on my other side, doing the same. If it hadn't been such a fucked up situation, I would be gushing over my eldest children still clinging onto me for comfort.

"This is worse than I thought," Zeldris mentioned. "Agreed. I've never seen a human cult go to such extremes," Meliodas replied. They approached the house with their swords drawn, "Be careful," I called out to them. Azriel was about to follow his father but he yelled back at him, "Stay with your mother!" Azriel nodded and took a defensive position next to me. A few painstaking minutes later, the two emerged, Zeldris carrying a very thin and frail looking Iseldis. "She's barely breathing," he announced when he rejoined us. "The others?" I asked Meliodas as Zeldris brought Iseldis to Merlin for examination. He shook his head, "We should just burn the home...likely the entire village." I nodded, "Bertol said we must have came for her, is she that bad?" He looked at the girl in Zel's arms, "She'll die soon."

This was making my head spin. We wanted to find a terminal willing human but opted for this child of a cult instead...and she was terminal. "I think now would be a good time to try, Azriel," Merlin urged, "She doesn't have much time left." He nodded, I held his hand tightly, "You don't have to do this, Azy. You can say no." He kissed my cheek, "I know Momma, but if this is something I can do to protect Maimai and my other baby brother, I'll do it." I smiled at him, this kid was perfect, "Okay, baby." The poor girl wasn't conscious, so we were hoping she didn't resent what we were about to do to her. Azriel picked up her frail arm in his hands, "She's very beautiful," he commented, blushing. He looked back at me, I nodded, "It's okay."

His fangs grew, he brought his face close to her arm, and bit down. He inhaled sharply through his nose as her blood gushed into his mouth. I knew what he was feeling, blood directly from a human tasted so much better than those pills. We weren't sure what to wait for as he finished, he wiped his mouth off with the back of his sleeve. Merlin watched her carefully for any sort of change. We watched her chest rise and fall until it completely stopped. "Were we too late?" I murmured. Azriel had come to stand next to me and looked up at me, frowning with fear in his eyes, "It tasted so good, Momma..." he whispered. My heart wrenched, it was gonna be hard for him to go back to pills after tasting fresh human blood. I put my hand on his head and stroked his soft black hair, "It's okay, baby. I know. It's hard but Momma's here for you, alright? We can get through it together," I gave him a loving smile. He nodded, smiling a bit and hugged onto me.

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now