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"Shut up, father! You know nothing about her! You don't know the joy of loving someone or being loved in return, there's nothing greater than that," he growled at his father, "If you lay a finger on her, I'll kill you!" The Demon King laughed, "You can't kill me! You're not as half as strong as your brother and I've taken over his body, what do you expect you'd be able to do?" He mocked his son who held me against his chest, tighter, protectively. "Zeldris, we'll take care of your asshole dad, you take care of Ali," the group heard a voice behind the Demon King, belonging to Ban.

I ran through the forest, running away from the other kids who teased me incessantly for being an orphan. For my pale skin and my red eyes. I kept running, looking back to make sure none of them followed me when I ran into a tree. But it wasn't a tree, it was a dark haired boy. He was significantly taller than me and had a funny mark on his forehead. "Who are you? Why does your forehead have that funny mark on it?" I asked him grumpily. My butt hurt from falling after I'd run into him. "You should watch where you're standing!" I crossed my arms after standing up in front of him. "My forehead looks funny?" he tilted his head at me in confusion, "Well your eyes look funny!" I frowned and kicked him as hard as I could in the shin. I jumped when he yelled out in pain and fell backwards.

I ran up to him, worry on my face, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" He grinned at me, "You didn't, but now you'll think twice about kicking strangers, won't you?" I frowned and pouted at him, "That wasn't nice!" He giggled, sitting up in front of me, "Neither is kicking someone or saying their forehead looks funny." I grinned at him, "You're silly, I like you. Do you want to be my friend? I don't have any friends, all the kids in the village are mean to me! They say I look funny because my skin is pale and my eyes are red but it's not my fault I was born this way! I mostly just play by myself out here anyway..." my voice trailed off as I watched his face turn from a grin to a more serious expression. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you mad..." my smile had turned into a frown. "I'll be your friend," he assured softly, reaching his hand out to pat my head.

"Really?! Yay!! What's your name? Where did you come from? Who are you? Why do you have that mark on your forehead? Aren't you cold with an open shirt like that? How's your hair stand up like that? How old are you? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Where do you live? Can I come see your house someday?" I rambled off questions like there was no tomorrow, making him chuckle. "Slow down, so I can answer. My name's Zeldris. I have a mark on my forehead because I'm a demon, which means I come from the demon realm and that's where I live," he waited to see how I'd react to the information. I was enamored, clinging to his arm, my eyes sparkled with interest.

"A demon? That's so cool! What does your house look like? Do demons have jobs? How old are you? Do you have any brothers or sisters?!" I was super excited, hanging onto every word he said. He grinned and continued, "I live in a castle, actually. I'm 238 years old, and I do have a job. It's not a fun or nice job, but I have to do it because of my father. I have an older brother, his name's Meliodas." My mouth hung open, "You live in a castle?! Are you a prince?!!" He couldn't help but be enchanted by my innocent excitement, especially never having interacted this much with a child, let alone a human child. He nodded, "I am a prince. My father is the Demon King. Eventually my brother will take over for my father, because he's the eldest." My eyes were wide, I was captivated, "If I marry you one day, will I be a princess?!"

A light blush dusted his cheeks before he smiled at me, "That is how that works. But, you don't want to marry me. I'm a demon, and you're a human. You should find a nice human boy to marry. I'm also much older than you, you don't want to marry an old man, do you?" I poked his cheek and pouted, "You don't look that old and I like you! I don't care if you're a demon! Besides, you're the only one who's ever been nice to me..." His hearts ached when I said the last part. "Tell you what, when you're old enough if you still really feel that way, fine. I'll marry you so you can be a princess, okay?" he relented, he didn't want me to be sad. He also definitely expected me to completely forget about this and fall in love with someone more appropriate, he just wanted to let me enjoy my little childhood fantasy. "Promise?!" I asked, sticking my little pinky out. He didn't know what I was doing so I grabbed his hand and curled my pinky around his. "It's a pinky promise, you can never break them!" I explained. He grinned, "I pinky promise." I beamed up at him then kissed him on the cheek. "Can I braid your hair?" I asked, to which he nodded.

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now