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We spent the next few months wandering around Britannia together after saying our goodbyes to Meliodas, Elizabeth, and Hawk. Ban, Elaine, Diane, and King had gone back to the Fairy King's forest. Escanor had gone with Merlin after she'd revived Arthur. I wasn't sure where'd they'd actually gone or where Gowther went either. We'd actually decided to go visit the Fairy King's forest today. I was showing, there were only three months left until baby was here, and I knew Diane would be ecstatic. When we got to the forest, a few fairies greeted us with some hostility. It wasn't like we could let them know of our arrival beforehand and it was pretty obvious Zeldris was a demon from the aura he gave off.

"Zel, stop it," I scolded, grabbing the back of his shirt as he stood in front of me with his sword drawn. I smiled at one of the fairies, who didn't like the look of me either considering I had fangs but you know, it would be unsettling for someone who never left the forest to experience that. "We're friends of King and Diane. Could you let them know Ali and Zeldris are here? We can wait here, I'll make sure he behaves," I asked in my most pleasant voice I could. I'd been a little moody lately so it was difficult to be that pleasant. One of them reluctantly went to go get King and Diane as I found somewhere to sit down. Zel wouldn't take his eyes off the fairies that stayed behind to babysit us, he walked backwards to stay close to me. It was cute how protective he'd become but I was afraid he was going to give himself an aneurysm from being so on edge all the time.

"You can put your sword away, Zel. They're not going to attack a pregnant woman," I commented. Their eyes softened, fairies were born from nature so they likely hadn't seen anyone carry a baby before. "You're going to have a baby?!" one of them asked excitedly. I nodded, "Mmhmm, that's why this one is so tense. He's the father," I gestured at Zeldris who had finally put his sword up but still stood between me and them. They giggled, finally understanding the situation, "We're sorry. We didn't expect a demon to show up here out of the blue since the war ended." He didn't budge but I could see him relax a tiny bit. It was then that Diane and King showed up, "Ali!" Diane yelled waving at me as they walked up. "Hi Diane! King!" I greeted them cheerfully as Zeldris helped me stand up.

Diane squealed, "How much longer?!" I smiled as I put my hands on my stomach, "A few months, give or take a couple weeks." We walked as we chatted, heading towards the center of the forest. "Do you have names picked out? Are you going to stay in Britannia until they're born?" she asked. "We'll go back to the demon realm beforehand. I'd rather not try traveling with a baby. We're thinking Azriel for a boy or Niya for a girl," I answered, wondering what child birth would look like in the demon realm. We arrived near the Sacred Tree and were greeted by Elaine and Ban. Ban picked me up in a tight hug, much to Zeldris' chagrin, "I can't believe little Ali's gonna be a mom!" Elaine hugged me gently, "Are you getting excited?" I made a face, "I'm more freaked out than anything. I didn't grow up with parents and you know what Zel's dad was like sooooo we're both kinda lost..." She gave me a soft smile, "You both love each other so much, all you have to do is share that love with your baby, you'll figure out the rest."

We stayed and chatted with them for awhile before heading out. "Why don't you just stay here with us?" Diane asked, disappointed we were leaving so soon. I smiled, "We appreciate it, but we're actually going to go look for Meliodas and Elizabeth, then head to the demon realm. We felt them nearby as we were coming here so it shouldn't be too difficult." She sighed but hugged me goodbye anyway. Once we exited the forest I closed my eyes, focusing on Meliodas' energy. "Found him," I mumured after a few seconds. It had been awhile since I'd drank his blood but I could still pinpoint where he was relatively easily, making me think it was likely a permanent thing. I spread my wings and took Zel's hand. "I can carry you," he offered. "No, I'm fine. I need to do something for myself or I'll go crazy," I exclaimed, sticking my tongue out at him playfully.

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now