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"Hold on tightly, Nini," Zeldris instructed, tightening his grip on her tiny hand. No one else could call her by the nickname he'd given her, it was for her dad alone. It was the same with Azriel and I, he wouldn't let anyone else call him Azy but me. It was cute and even though the last time Meliodas met him, he made faces at him, I knew he was going to latch onto his uncle. They were both excitable and mischievous. Azriel really wanted to learn Full Counter as well. Both twins had inherited their father's ability to use Ominous Nebula but Niya was much better at it, annoying her brother. Neither could wield goddess magic yet, which worried me as mine was only tied to my vampiric power, making me think they were doomed to the same fate as me.

When we exited the cave, both of them were in awe of the sight that was Britannia. It was probably a shock, it didn't resemble the demon realm in the slightest, even the air was sweeter and lighter. I'd expected Niya to be fearful, but even Azriel was clinging tightly to me. We'd tried our best to prepare them and explain what it looked like, but it was hard when the demon realm didn't have anything close to trees or grass or anything. "I told you it wouldn't be a problem, he's just as wary as Niya right now," I commented lovingly in my head to Zeldris. "I didn't expect him to be this scared though. Meliodas and I weren't like this at all," he remarked. "Zel, that's not fair. You and Meliodas only knew bloodshed growing up, of course you wouldn't have been scared. They're still just kids and I hope they never have to experience the hell we did," I reminded him. He smiled at me, knowing I was right and happy his kids didn't have the same childhood as himself.

"You guys ready to head to Liones?" I asked, looking down at the small boy clinging to me. He looked so much smaller than earlier with the fear in his eyes. He nodded slowly, "Yes, Momma, we can go." Niya was frozen in fear, so Zel picked her up and we flew off towards Liones. It took a couple hours, I started carrying Azriel halfway through. He wasn't used to flying this long and tired quickly. I smiled down at him as he drifted to sleep, he hadn't fallen asleep in my arms in years. We landed a little ways outside the kingdom, not wanting to draw attention to ourselves. Niya had fallen asleep as well, so we continued carrying them as we walked. "It's been a long time since we've done this," Zel commented softly. "Yeah...it makes me miss them being so little. Maybe we should have another?" The last part I was being sarcastic and I chuckled when I saw his eyes widen. "Are you serious?!" He sounded slightly panicked. "Of course not, these two are nearly 12. Can you imagine having a newborn again?!" I saw him relax, comically, making me giggle again. He shot me a grin.

We finally reached the gates of the kingdom, the liveliness roused the twins. Their eyes were wide with wonder now, humans were everywhere. It was loud and lots of preparations were being made for Prince Tristan's 10th birthday in a couple days. They wiggled out of our arms, Niya stayed close by Zel. Azriel started running ahead, "Azy, don't run too far ahead. Remember what I told you about this place." He turned and grinned at me, "Humans are dangerous! Don't worry, Mom!" Some of the humans around us looked up in confusion, making me face palm and Zeldris sighed heavily with an annoyed expression. "Only your son would blurt that out in the open," Zel teased. "He's your son too, ya know!" I countered. He grinned, "Yes, but he acts just like you." I rolled my eyes but smiled, he wasn't wrong.

We walked for a little bit, taking in the sights. "Zel, did you see where he went?!" I suddenly asked when I noticed Azriel had strayed too far, panicked, "I don't see him anywhere!" He groaned, "Damn it. I knew this was going to happen. He couldn't have gotten too far."

--Meliodas' POV--
I knew Elizabeth would likely be upset with me for sneaking off to the Boar Hat this close to Tristan's birthday, but I needed a drink. I was walking down an alley to avoid the crowds when a kid bumped into me. "Ow! Watch where you're going, idiot!" I heard him yell. I looked down at him and grinned, it was Azriel, no doubt about it. He looked just like my baby brother when he was a kid. Plus that hair was a dead giveaway. It was obvious he had no idea who I was, so I decided to act like I didn't know who he was either. "Who you calling idiot, pipsqueak? What kind of hairstyle is that anyway?" I teased. He had stood up by now and scowled at me, making me giggle. "I'll have you know my dad is..." he started to argue but trailed off. Good, they'd taught him it wasn't a good idea to be spouting off his heritage to strangers. "I bet your dad couldn't beat me in a fight. I'm the strongest in all of Britannia. And your hair is still ridiculous," I pointed out, provoking him playfully.

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now