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Before we got to the portal, Merlin appeared in front of us. "I heard you've been causing problems, Meliodas," she commented casually. She looked at the boys, "Well, you definitely can't deny he's your son. Have you been back to Liones since he was born?" His face was blank, the same face he'd given us when we'd asked until he blew up on us two years ago. "That's none of your business," he responded, his voice void of emotion. "Daddy, who is this?" Astaroth asked as he clung to Meliodas' leg. He looked down at his mini-me, his eyes instantly brightened with love, "An old friend, Asta. Nothing to worry about," he replied softly, reassuring the boy and stroking his messy blonde hair. "Do you know who accosted us, Merlin?" I asked, getting back on topic. She nodded, "They're a group of rogue Holy Knights from Liones, claiming to work under secret orders from Elizabeth but we're not sure who's actually giving them orders. Elizabeth wants them stopped...and she wants to see you, Meliodas." I could see him tense a little bit.

"Hey Asta, do you want to meet your other brother?" I asked the boy clinging to his Dad. He knew Tristan existed, lived in Britannia, and that Tristan's Mom wasn't his Mom but that was the extent of it. He looked up at his Dad, who was staring me down with an unreadable expression. "Daddy, do you think he wants to meet me?" his voice was quiet with a hint of sadness. He had his other three siblings and knew his other brother had come to see him when he was born, but never again and he didn't understand why. My heart broke hearing his little voice like that and I could tell it also broke Meliodas' and Zeldris' hearts. "I think so, buddy. He doesn't come see you because he doesn't want to see me, that's my fault," Meliodas reassured him. "But why? You're the best, Daddy!" he hugged Meliodas' leg tightly, making the three of us smile. "Daddy wasn't a good Daddy to him when he was little. I was a little lost back then, but I'm better now," he tried to explain but the 4 year old didn't understand what he meant by lost. "Why didn't you ask someone for directions? Sometimes I get lost at home, it's okay to ask for help!" he grinned at his Dad.

"I'll go back soon, so Asta can officially meet Tristan," Meliodas addressed Merlin. "I want Momma to go too!" he insisted. I glanced at Zeldris, "You'll be okay, Asta. You can hang out with Daddy and your brother, you don't need me to go." He pouted and tears welled in his eyes, making me cave instantly, "Okay, I'll go. But Momma isn't Tristan's Mom's favorite person right now so I might not go to the castle with you." Zeldris chuckled, "You coddle him too much." I poked him in the chest, he rubbed it in fake exaggerated pain, "You coddle all four of them, don't give me that!" "There's no time like the present. I can take you there immediately and you'll be back on your way home in no time," Merlin offered Meliodas. "There's no need for that Merlin, we need to get this human back to the demon realm and-" I started but before I could finish she had put a Perfect Cube around him and we were standing in front of Elizabeth in the castle.

Astaroth ran to me in fear so I picked him up and held him close, Amaimon hung onto my leg, peeking around. They were fearless until all of these things in this strange world started happening. Elizabeth stared Meliodas down, then me holding Astaroth. "Meliodas. It's been a long time. How are you? He's definitely your child. What's his name?" she asked, her voice had unreadable emotion in it. Zeldris had moved closer to me and the boys in case anything were to happen. "Momma, who is this? Where are we?" Astaroth whimpered. "Is she a bad person, Momma?" Amaimon whimpered as well. "This is Tristan's Momma, baby. We're in her home. No, she's not a bad person, sweetie," I whispered soothingly, though the last part had a bit of question in it. "His name is Astaroth. I'm fine. Where's Tristan?" Meliodas answered after watching me try to comfort the boys hanging onto me.

"Father," we turned around to see Tristan enter the room. "Tristan..." Meliodas muttered under his breath. Zel and I exchanged glances, he really hadn't been going to see him since Astaroth had been born. "Momma, is that my brother?" the boy in my arms asked me. "He is, baby," I answered, stroking his hair. I'd never seen him this scared but it was a lot to take in as a 4 year old that had been babied at home his entire life so it was understandable. "I guess it makes sense you'd be more attached to someone who looks just like you," Tristan spat out as he scowled at his baby brother, making the boy in my arms turn his head to hide. "Tristan, it isn't like that!" Meliodas scowled at his eldest. "Then what is it, Father? Why did you leave us for a kid you had with a one night stand with your brother's wife?" he growled. Zel and I shifted uncomfortably. We did not want to be here, why did we get dragged into this?

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now