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"...What?" confusion was all over his face and his arms fell to his sides. "I...I'm the reason he left. I don't know why all of this has suddenly rushed back to me but...he told me. Right before he left, that he was leaving..." my face was just as confused as his. I didn't understand how or why I'd forgotten. "Why...why would he leave because of...you?" The look on his face made me sick to my stomach, he knew why, he just wanted to hear me say it. "He said he'd...fallen...for me. That he couldn't watch me be with you anymore," I exclaimed softly. He frowned at me, knowing there was more. My heart was pounding but I couldn't keep anything from him, especially this. "Zel, he and I...we...were...together...before he left," I choked out, tears fell down my face. He looked like a kicked puppy, making me cry harder. His eyes turned green, tears formed in them, "How many...times?" I held up my finger, indicating once.

I couldn't speak anymore, I was distraught with how terrible I'd been to this perfect person in front of me. I didn't deserve him. Meliodas? Sure, he was an asshole as well. We'd both betrayed his brother, two peas in a pod. If anything, I was worse. At least Meliodas left, not wanting to get between us, whether it was because it was too painful for him or not. "I'm so sorry, Zeldris...It's unforgivable. I don't deserve you. You should've just killed me like you were supposed to, you would've been better off never knowing me," I was a mess, crying and yelling my monologue at the ground, holding my arms around myself. I couldn't bear to look at him, I just wanted the world to open up and swallow me whole. Maybe Ludociel was still around, he'd be happy to kill me. Or I could lock myself away and starve. Endless scenarios of how I could rid Zeldris of me were running through my mind.

I felt hands on my shoulders, "You're wrong," I heard him choke out. I forced myself to look at him, tears were streaming down his cheeks. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me! Don't ever say I should've killed you!" he was shouting at me, his voice cracked as he tried to keep himself from sobbing. "No! I've brought you so much pain! I got between you and your brother! It's my fault! Somebody please...just kill me!" I shouted at him, and then at anyone. He shoved me down onto my back, pinning me down. His face was inches from mine, angry, eyes black as night and his demon mark seemed to glow. "Don't. Ever. Say. That. Again," he growled at me. This was the first time he'd ever turned his rage at me, and I realized he was every bit as terrifying as his elder brother.

I was frozen in place. I barely breathed, let alone spoke. I didn't know what to do, all I could do was stare into his eyes, my mouth slightly agape. "I couldn't kill you. Ever. I wouldn't let anyone kill you and I won't have you asking for someone to. So just fucking stop." The negative energy coming off of him was intense, thickening the air. "I'm not going to lie. I'm really fucking pissed about you sleeping with Meliodas back then. It's ripping my hearts in two but...that doesn't mean I wish you'd never been in my life to begin with! Since I met you, you have been my entire world!" his voice cracked again and tears dripped onto my face, "But...I'm not yours. Not entirely..." I couldn't take it anymore, I hated myself. I wanted to disappear, forever. I struggled to get away from him, avoiding his gaze but he wouldn't let me go.

He grabbed my face, making me look at him, "Stop struggling. I'm not letting you go, I'm not letting you disappear like you want to. I don't hate you, I still love you. So so much. I still want to be with you. Even if I'm hurting right now, it doesn't change how I feel about you." I grunted in frustration, "How?! How can you still love me? I'm detestable! You shouldn't want anything to do with me anymore!"

"Is that what you want from me?! Do you want me to leave? Just forget about spending every day with you for two years, trying to work towards a future we could freely be together!? Over one time before he left the demon realm! I don't even count after! Ali, I was gone for 3,000 fucking years! It amazed me that you were even still alive, I didn't expect to ever see you again! I was counting on being killed when I came back because I didn't want to live without you! Do I want to share you with him? No! I don't! But it's better than not having you at all and I couldn't fault you for being with him when I wasn't around for so goddamn long! But if you're so hell bent on me leaving or you dying, how about we just both go out together?! Is that what you really fucking want?! Because if you're gone, I'm not staying here!" he was shouting, he couldn't contain his frustration any longer, breathing heavily.

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now