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"What happened?" she asked quietly. She was trembling a little bit, no doubt scared of what was happening. She'd been afraid of Zeldris when she first met him, but Meliodas being here had her terrified out of her mind. "Mel, I don't think she's a threat, you can go back to normal," I told him. She was still scared but relaxed a little more when he didn't look quite as menacing. I knew what had made her calm down with Zel last time, so I stood up and took Amaimon from Niya, then shoved him into Meliodas' arms. "Here, seeing Zel interact with his kids helped her relax last time. You with Maimai should do the same," I whispered to him. He smiled and nodded, turning his attention to the giggling baby pulling his hair. Iseldis watched them for a few moments and decided from how he handled Amaimon he was probably safe enough to be around. "He's not as scary as he looks sometimes, I promise," I reassured her.

"Now, as to what happened. We found you in your family's house...it was..." I tried finding the words but couldn't. "Horrible...I couldn't stop them," her eyes welled up with tears, "And then, I got sick and was dying. They tried sacrificing all the villagers to save me but it wasn't helping. I didn't want them to!" She started crying, so I pulled her into a tight hug. "What happened to the rest of your family, Iseldis?" I asked her softly, stroking her pink hair. It was pretty, almost a bubblegum color. "Papa...he..." she choked out. I didn't need her to answer to know what Bertol had done. "Ssshhh, it's okay. I don't know if this is what you wanted, but we saved you from death...sort of," I told her. "What do you mean?" she whimpered.

I sighed, "The vision you saw, about Amaimon and my other youngest son, we wanted to see how humans would be once they were bitten. See, when I do it, they become enslaved...they don't have free will. We tested it out with Azriel, since his vampiric blood is diluted with his dad's demon blood, to see if a human would have free will or not. We tested it on you, and it looks like it worked." She looked up at me, her red eyes were glassy from crying, "You mean...?" I nodded, "You're a vampire, now. I'm sorry if you didn't want this, I didn't want to do this to a child but...when we saw you were dying, we knew we had to try it." Merlin walked up to us, "It seems so far that she'll be like the original vampire clan. Can't go out in sunlight, though once she learns to manipulate darkness she should be able to put a thin cloak around herself. She'll likely have to feed solely on blood. This will be challenging considering there's no one left from that clan."

"Not true! Xena is still alive, she was spared. She'll be a valuable resource for Iseldis. Though I'm wondering if she'll age or stay this way forever..." I informed Merlin. "We should head back home now," Zel commented, noticing his kids were getting tired and he knew I had to be exhausted as well. I nodded, "You're going to come with us to the demon realm, Iseldis. There's a vampire there that can tell you more about what you'll experience. You'll like Xena, she's wonderful. My family and I are only part vampire so we're not totally the same as you. Azy and Niya can show you around." She smiled at me, "Okay. I don't have any family here anymore and you've always been so nice to me...I'll go!" She turned and looked at my son, blushing, "Is it okay if I call you Azy, too?" His cheeks turned scarlet red, but he nodded then stuttered out, "Y-yeah! You can!" She grinned, "Okay! Well then you can call me Ise!" He grinned, his cheeks still burning bright red. I looked at Zeldris and we smiled at each other, our son's first love!

--A/N, I envision 'Ise' being pronounced like Eesah--

Night had fallen by now, so Meliodas dropped the shield of darkness and we walked towards the cave that led to the demon realm. "Mel, aren't you going back to Liones with Merlin to grab Tristan?" I asked. He nodded then surprised me by pulling me into a tight hug, "I can't wait to meet our baby," he whispered in my ear, his breath made me shiver. "I'll see you guys later!" he waved and disappeared with Merlin, surprising Iseldis. "She's a mage, they teleported back to Liones!" Azriel told her excitedly. Zel interlocked his fingers with mine, he felt a little tense, likely from his brother hugging me suddenly and whispering in my ear. "Easy now, it was innocent. He's just excited about the baby," I reassured him. He squeezed my hand in return but didn't say anything. Once we reached the cave, it occurred to me that Iseldis probably wasn't going to be able to jump down the cavern like the rest of us could, considering she was human just hours before and didn't strike me as the athletic type. "Zel, she might need help getting down there," I suggested.

"I can give her a piggy back ride!" Azriel offered, then immediately started blushing, making me giggle. I ruffled his hair, "If she's okay with that, then go ahead." She was hesitant at first but accepted, her face bright red as she climbed on his back. "Zel, this is so cute I can't stand it!" I squealed in my head to him. He smiled at me, "Does this mean I need to have 'the talk' with him?" My eyes widened, I didn't even think about that. I giggled as we hopped down the cavern, Amaimon giggled with me. "The air is different at home, but you'll get used to it," I heard my son tell Iseldis. Once we crossed over into the demon realm, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I didn't realize how tense I'd been until we got home. We returned to the castle and Iseldis' eyes were huge, "You live in a castle?!" she exclaimed. I laughed, "Where did you think the Demon King and his family lived? Now come with me. I'll introduce you to Xena."

We walked down the large hallways, she was silent trying to take everything in. It reminded me of the first time I came here, it was definitely a lot to see all at once. I opened the door to the servants' quarters and saw Xena sitting with another of the newer servants that I hadn't had a chance to learn their name. She saw me and smiled, rushing over and making me sit down. "Ali! You're 6 months pregnant, you need to stop doing so much! Look at you, you look exhausted!" I waved her off but sat down anyway, "Xena! I'm fine. Yes this baby is by far the worst pregnancy ever BUT I'm fine. I wanted you to meet someone." Iseldis was still standing by the door, so I waved her over. "Iseldis, this is who I was telling you about. This is Xena," I introduced them. Xena looked at me confused as she examined the girl, "Ali...how?" I sighed, "Remember the girl with the vision who predicted my two youngest boys would create a new vampire clan? Well we wanted to test it out to see what to expect. This is the girl with that power, she was dying and her family is gone. Azriel turned her...we weren't even sure it'd work. But it seems it has and she seems to be more like a full blooded vampire like you than like me, Azy, and Maimai."

Xena stared at me blankly, I couldn't tell if she was upset or not. Then tears welled in her eyes, "It's been so long since I've had another full vampire around, I hope I can help you enjoy this life!" She hugged the girl tightly, "What happened to the others?" Iseldis asked quietly. Xena and I looked at each other uncomfortably, "Uhm. The previous Demon King ordered their execution during the first Holy War..." I explained after thinking about how to word it, I didn't want her to be afraid of Zeldris again. Xena smiled and nodded, "I was spared because I worked as a servant in the castle." Iseldis looked at me, "What about you? You were here then, right?" I nodded, "Yes...I fled the realm and hid in Britannia.." She seemed to accept this answer so Xena changed the subject, "Let's get you a room setup. Ali, I assume she'll be living with the servants?" I nodded, "Yes, but Azy has taken a liking to her so if he shows up let her go with him. He said he'd show her around." Iseldis blushed a bright pink, making Xena and I grin. "I don't blame you for blushing, he looks just like his dad who I find very handsome," I teased. "Ali! Leave the poor girl alone. Come on, Iseldis," Xena scolded me then took her to get a bedroom setup.

Amaimon was sleeping nestled in my arm, as lively as he was awake you'd think he was dead when he slept, not much would wake him. On the other hand, the baby in my belly hadn't stopped moving around since we got back in the demon realm so sleeping was going to be rough. "What am I going to name you? I haven't talked to your Daddy yet about what to name you, but that's cause he just found out about you," I murmured to my belly, a soft smile on my face. I did end up drifting off to sleep, not waking up until Zeldris came to find me. "Hey, sleepyhead," he woke me, lifting Amaimon from my chest, "Let's go to bed." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, leading me back to our room. After he put Amaimon to bed, he joined me in ours where I was drifting in and out of sleep already.

His body felt so warm against my back, I couldn't help but snuggle back into him, inadvertently rubbing my ass against his dick. He groaned quietly then whispered in my ear, "You better be careful about doing that." His hand had already reached under my shirt and up to massage my chest and rub my nipple as he kissed my neck softly, making me moan lightly. I grinded my ass on him more, he groaned louder and pinched my nipple hard. "Now you're gonna get it," he growled. "Yes please, Daddy," I whispered, I felt his lips form a smirk on my neck. He shimmied out of his shorts and rubbed the head of his cock at my entrance before lifting my leg up to give himself more room. He thrusted his hard cock inside me, making me moan in delight. "You're so fucking sexy, I love the noises you make," he nibbled on my ear, he started thrusting faster. His hot breath on the back of my neck kept making me shiver, my moans coming out sounding slightly giddy. "You like my cock that much, huh?" he chuckled, the build up in my core was so close to exploding. I whined, wanting to reach my high faster, "Fuck me harder, Daddy!" He delivered, making me cum quickly. I bit my lip to stifle my moans and felt him cream my pussy. He kissed my cheek sweetly, "I'll never get tired of fucking you."

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now