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"Zel suggested the daughter of the cultist family. She's the one with the vision power. If it's successful, her ability could be extremely useful..." I groaned again, "She's just a child! There's no way she's any older than Azy and Niya. I know their weirdo family would be thrilled but do I really want to damn a child in this way?" Azriel held my hand, "I'll do it, Mom. We have to know what's going to happen. Maimai and my other brother...they could be really dangerous to humans. I don't like thinking that way but...if it protects them I'll do it." I hugged my firstborn tightly, "I'm so sorry, Azy. I never wished any of this for you..." He pulled away and grinned at me, "Momma...I know but you haven't damned me. If anything, I feel a lot closer to you, and I'll always be happy about that." My eyes started watering and I squeezed him even tighter, making him gasp for breath. I giggled, "Sorry, baby. You just make me so happy. I love you, Azy."

He grinned again, "I love you too, Momma. When should we leave?" I looked out the window, "Tomorrow. I'll let Meliodas know as well," I turned back to Merlin, "Are you going to come with us?" She nodded, "I want to see this for myself. I'll come back in the morning." With that, she disappeared. "I haven't told your Uncle about the prophesy yet...maybe I should have him come
back tonight. He needs to know," I told them, why did life have to be so messy? Azriel nodded, "Definitely. He might want to be there as well, we have no idea what will happen." As I was about to contact Meliodas, I heard Zel's voice in my head. "I'm coming to Britannia right now. I don't want my family going to those freak's house without me." I smiled, I loved him so much. "Your Dad's on his way here, he doesn't want us going there without him," I informed them. They grinned, knowing he probably dropped everything immediately to head out.

"Mel...I need you to come back to the Boar Hat tonight. There's something I haven't told you...Also Zel is on his way to Britannia right now." I waited but didn't hear anything, I assumed he heard me but was busy when he and Merlin suddenly appeared. "You are going to give me a heart attack!" I shouted at them. "Sorry, Ali. What did you need to talk to me about?" he asked, sitting across from me. "I thought you were going back to Arthur," I ignored him and looked at Merlin. "This is more important right now. Captain said Zeldris is on his way here?" she asked. I nodded, "He doesn't want us going there without him." Meliodas furrowed his brows, "Going where?"

I sighed, "A lot of shit went down before we left Britannia last time. We decided to take Azy and Niya to-" Merlin interrupted, "Zeldris just arrived in Britannia. I'll bring him here." She disappeared instantly. "Anyway, we took the twins to my home village...I didn't expect it to still be there but we thought it'd be fun to show them where we met." Merlin reappeared with a flustered Zeldris. "Warn me next time you're just going to grab me and teleport!" he grumbled. "Hey, baby," he greeted, walking over and kissing me. He insisted on sitting behind me on the stool so I moved Amaimon back onto the table. "Hey Amai, miss your daddy?" Zel asked him, he giggled and tried to grab Zel's nose. Zeldris completely ignored his brother's presence, saying hi to the twins then waited for me to continue speaking.

"When we got to the part in the forest where Zel and I met, there was a strange shrine and a faint scent of blood that only Azy and I could pick up. We'd ran into a young male human that knew who we were, supposedly his ancestors had been telling the tales of us for the last 3,000 some odd years. It was weird but it only got weirder at the shrine. There were figurines carved in stone, 7 in total. Zel, me, Azy, Niya, and Amaimon, though I was only 3 months along with him and we'd just found out about him earlier that day. Then the other two..." I trailed off, hesitating. "The other two...what?" Meliodas looked at his brother and I, then the twins, we were all grimacing. "You...and our child. The daughter of the young man has the same power as Bartra, Mel," I continued.

He was about to ask a question but I cut him off, "Just let me get it all out then you can ask questions, though I don't know if we can answer them." He nodded and waited for me to continue. "She had a vision that I'd have two more sons, Amaimon here...and one a year later with another, extremely menacing demon. So much so she became physically ill when she awoke from the vision. Just from seeing the figurine we knew you'd be the father of the last child-" He couldn't hold it in, "So you knew this was going to happen?" He glared at his brother, "You knew this was going to happen, that it was inevitable, and you still said all that shit to me? Why didn't you just stay with her constantly?! You even knew the timeline when she'd get pregnant!-" he was shouting at Zeldris, who I could feel was getting more tense with each word. "I shouldn't have to be with her constantly! If you could just keep your dick in your fucking pants this wouldn't have happened! I guess it is my fucking fault because you've never been able to keep your goddamn hands off of her!" Zel shouted back at him.

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now