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Thank god Merlin put up the Perfect Cube because Zeldris was starting to wake up. He grumbled a little bit, probably from the hangover and blood loss. He slowly opened his eyes and blinked a couple times before they flew open. "Why the hell are you here?!" he yelled at his brother who jumped from the sudden loud noise. "Why am I here? Why are you here!?" Meliodas shouted back. Entirely too much yelling was happening for the amount of alcohol I'd consumed yesterday. I put a hand on each of their mouths, "Please no more yelling," I pleaded quietly, my head was aching. The amount of malice I felt between the two was intense. They couldn't do much except argue considering we were stuck inside such a small cube.

"Sorry Ali," they apologized in unison when I removed my hands then glared at each other again. "Do either of you remember how we ended up in this situation?" I asked quietly. They both shook their heads. I threw my hands up in exasperation, "Great. Well I don't know if either of you have noticed but all of us are naked!" I whisper yelled. Zeldris' face turned scarlet. He'd been too angry at his brother's presence to notice. I flopped back down on my back, making my tits jiggle. I noticed both of them staring which made me roll my eyes and giggle. "What?" Zel asked me. "You're both ridiculous," I commented, "A lot more similar than you think you are." He frowned down at me. "Why are we in a cube?" Meliodas asked. "Because Merlin appeared and saw the two of you and knew a fight was going to break out when you woke up," I mumbled.

A mischievous thought popped into my head and I was going to regret it I was sure but I was curious. I sat back up and 'stretched' by arching my back to push my chest out and lightly moaning as if the stretch just felt that good. I heard both of them inhale sharply, by just a little bit. "My body's so stiff from the way you guys had me squished between you, I couldn't move. I have a few kinks that need to be worked," I whined a little. "I could help with that," Meliodas suggested but Zeldris glared at him, "No you won't! I will!" Meliodas was about to counter but I pouted at them, "Do you have to fight?" They both blushed lightly at my pouting. I bit my lip, "Uhm...you...both could help?" They frowned slightly at each other. I put one of my hands on one of their inner thighs to 'adjust' my position in the bed, when really I just wanted to rub my fingers on their legs just a little.

I felt them both tense under my touch. I rotated and flopped my back against Meliodas' chest and put one leg on either side of Zeldris' hips. Meliodas' hands landed on my waist and Zeldris' hands on my thighs. I pointed to my neck and shoulders, "Mel, right here is stiff." Then I grabbed Zel's hands and guided him to rub one of my legs, "My quads and hammies are stiff too." Zel continued rubbing the muscles in my leg and Meliodas reached his hands up to rub my traps. I moaned softly from the pressure, each of their hands twitched slightly at my noises. Now I was really gonna turn up the heat. "Harder..." I breathed out. Both of them made a noise of arousal so I used my legs to pull Zel forward and pushed myself further back into Meliodas.

I pulled a little too hard and Zel's face ended up right in front of mine. When I pushed myself further against Meliodas, my ass was up against his cock, which was quite hard now. All three of us were breathing quickened short breaths, unsure what to do now. Neither of them moved, likely gauging how the other was going to react. I couldn't take it anymore, I pushed my lips onto Zeldris', pulling his hand further down my leg. I grabbed one of Meliodas' hands from my shoulder and guided it to one of my breasts. Each of them gave in immediately, Meliodas snaked his other hand down and groped my breasts, pinching and pulling my nipples and kissing my neck. Zeldris' tongue was fighting mine, his fingers touching my pussy. I moaned from their touch, the pleasure was immense like an assault to my senses.

Zel put two fingers inside me and used his thumb to rub my clit, moving his face to kiss the side of my neck his brother was not on. I turned my face towards Meliodas' to give Zel more room, to which his lips found mine. His kiss was much more forceful, needier, possibly because my ass was pressed against his cock that he was more aroused than his brother. As if they were reading each other's minds, their hands changed places. Zel's to my tits and Meliodas' to my pussy. When the blonde felt how wet I was, he grinded against me and groaned, "You're such a dirty slut, one of us just wasn't enough for you, was it?" I moaned in response as Zel bit my neck in the same sentiment as his brother's words. Zel licked my neck, his hot breath made me shudder as he spoke into my ear, "You want us to fuck you at the same time, don't you?"

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now