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197 1 0

Y/n= Your Name

M/n= Middle Name

L/n= Last Name

Warning: Swearing, Mentions of  Alcohol Use & Sex

You were walking home from grocery shopping while holding two plastic bags. You noticed someone in front of your apartment building. You squinted your eyes and your heart nearly burst. It was Andrew. You took a deep breath and walked towards him that's when he sees you. He smiled at you and you returned the smile, awkwardly. "And to think you've been kidnapped, Y/n, it's great seeing you again." He said.

You awkwardly chuckle and replied; "Just been busy that's all." Which was partially true. You couldn't read his expression since he was wearing his sunglasses but he hummed. "Really busy that you haven't returned my phone calls, or stop by to say "hello" or something." You didn't want to talk to him anymore and tried to walked past him, but he moved to prevent you from walking. "Allow me." Andrew said. He grabbed both of your bags and motioned you to enter the building first.

You did but give him a confused look. You two walked to the elevator, you pressed your room level and both walked out once the elevator door opened. You two walked to your room apartment, you unlocked your door and proceed to walked in. Andrew shut the door with his foot and heads to the kitchen to put your grocery bags on top of the counter. You cleared your throat catching his attention. "Thank you, but I'm on a tight schedule." You rapidly said.

Andrew scoffed and crossed his arms. "You're not good of a liar there, Y/n." He teased. Which he's not wrong, you do sucked at it. Or maybe because you two have been friends since your teenage years. Still, you didn't say anything but looked away from embarrassment. He frowned and walked towards you. He stood in front of you and tried to look at you, but you refused. Andrew made you look at him using his finger that was under your chin.

This caused butterflies on your stomach and you feel yourself blushing by a simple action he always did. This man can make you blush by anything and you hated it. "Why have you been ignoring me?" He asked sounding hurt. You didn't mean to offend him, but you had to pushed him away. "I- I'm not. I just need..." You trailed off. "I just don't want to fall for you." You said to yourself. You've been falling for him ever since that faithful night.

You two went out to a pub, enjoying each other's company like every normal Friday nights. Too many drinks made you want to dance, same goes for him. You two danced all night and just had a great time. When he helped you get home, you two drank  whole bottle of wine in your living room and laughed as he was making jokes. When both of your laughters died down, you two looked at each other. You don't know if it was the alcohol, but you smashed your lips to his. Andrew stiffened a bit, but replied when he pulled you on top of his lap.

You wrapped your legs around his waist and he carried you to your bedroom and you can imagine what had happened there. "Y/n?" You snapped back into reality and see him with a concerned look on his face. You were slightly surprised when he wasn't wearing his sunglasses anymore. You removed his hand away from you and said; "Please Andrew, just let me be." "Why are you pushing me away, what did I do that you've been avoiding me?" You scoffed. Is he really asking you this? Are all men this clueless?

"You know why, it should of never happened." Andrew raised a brow. "Should of never happened what?" You wanted to smacked him maybe then he'll use that brain of his. "That night. You and I shouldn't never had sex, that's what!" You shouted. He was taken back from your sudden behavior. Never in his five years of your friendship has he heard you shout, let alone you shouting at him. "Okay, we hooked up. It should of been once, but no. We hooked up various times, friends aren't supposed to be fucking, Andrew. What kind of friends does that?!" You cried.

"Maybe I don't want us to be friends." "What?" You questioned. Now, you were confused. What does he mean by that? Andrew sniffed and put both his hands inside his jeans pockets. "I feel exactly how you're feeling now. I know how you feel about me." You blushed and attempted to looked tough. "I don't know wh-" "Don't lie to me, you're not good at that." He says, grinning. Your blush was still there and you didn't try hiding it. It was no use anyway. You didn't say anything, you were embarrassed to. This caused him to smile warmly and rest his hands on your hips.

"Don't avoid me anymore, I hate that. I hate not knowing if the girl I like is okay, but she's stubborn and I like that about her. Stubborn, wanna-be-tough, cunning, but overall perfect. Well, at least to me." You giggled and Andrew chuckled. You wrapped your arms around his neck, grinning at him. He looks back at you, grinning as well and asked; "Will you be my girlfriend, Y/n?" You nod with a huge smile, "Yes, I do."

Nine years has passed, and you said the exact thing when you wearing a white dress that showed your shoulders. Andrew in the other hand, was wearing a traditional suite with a red tie. His hair was slimmed back, still wearing his iconic sunglasses. The two of you were holding hands as the priest was in front of you two. "And will you Y/n M/n L/n take Andrew William Harvey Taylor as your husband?" You departure your look from the priest and looked at your soon-to-be-husband.

Andrew was smiling at you as you feel both of your hands be caressed. Feeling the same butterflies in stomach you first felt towards him. "Yes, I do."

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now