Love & Betrayal (Last Part)

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Y/n= Your name
B/n= Band names

Warning: Slight Swearing, Mentions of Alcohol Use & Cigarettes Use

It was the year of 1990, officially, you and Andrew have been together since '87. Three years together, it was at a rocky start, but you two managed. You and Andrew moved to Germany consider since he wanted his privacy from the paparazzis or any news reporter. Though, you owned a house in New York since your job requires a lot of traveling. At first, Andrew wasn't bother that you had to leave by the end of the week, at the end, it got him annoyed.

Once in for all, he decided to moved to New York and he purchased, quite frankly, a bigger house. A mansion to be specific, well, better than your old apartment. Though, you decorated that matches your aesthetics, but Andrew promised you can decorate how ever you'll like. Thus, the promise was kept. He loves your decorations, he thinks it fits for the two of you. Different people, different careers paths, but a perfectly match couple that's for sure.

"Andrew, honey, guess what?" You announced excitedly. "What is it?" He asked. You and Andrew were in the living room watching a movie, until the house phone rang. You went to answer which was in the kitchen, you squealed and thanked them, abruptly hanging up. You cheerfully made your way back to the living room. You sat on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek. "I'm doing a photoshoot right?" You began to say. Andrew nodded, motioning you to continue.

"So my old pub job, well, a lot of famous artists and musicians have been hanging there whenever they're on tour whatnot. It got so popular they asked me to do a special photoshoot and do an interview there as well. Not only that, they want you and your band to perform in honor of their popularity. We're going back to England, isn't that exciting?!" Andrew stood quiet, he's quite happy that you're doing what you love. Though, him going back to his home country, that he desperately wanted to leave, is being invited back there and to perform...

Andrew sigh and say; "I'm happy for you, but I have to say no to performing." You got up from his lap and ask surprisingly; "What, why not?" Andrew just shook his head as he tried to dismissed it as if it's nothing. You crossed your arms and ask; "Oh come on, Andy. I think it's a great idea. Not only that, you'll get to see some of your old friends." "If I had any left." He mumbled. You sigh and sat next to him, holding one of his hands. He looked at you, those cold eyes of his that you're still in love with them. Those cold eyes that turns soft when he's with you.

"One of your old friends contacted me and heard about the news. They're happy that you're coming back and can't wait to see you again. Please Andy, I want us to go together. Plus, it's the place where we first met and fell in love and are still living one to another." Andy sigh in defeated. "You're right, I supposed I should think that way for this occasion." You squealed and kiss all over his face which made him chuckle. "I'm not to keen about this, but if my girl is happy, I supposed I should be happy because of her happiness. Fuck it, I'll be happy for the sake of her."

Upon arriving, Andrew was right. Paparazzis swarmed in and started taking pictures using those big flashlights of theirs. Already, he was annoyed. Though, you remained calm and just smiled for them. "Y/n, is it true you're working for B/n and become their other member?!" "Y/n, how are you, did you missed England?!" "Miss Y/n, is it true you and Andrew Eldritch secretly got married back in Germany?!" "Weirdos." Andrew thought to himself. You two managed to leave the crowded place and head to your booked hotel. You two arrived, immediately you took your heels off. Andrew removed his shades and ask; "If your feet constantly kills you, why in the world do you still wear them?"

You just smile and say; "Honey, there's nothing a woman can't handle. After all, we bleed monthly." You joked. Andrew scoffed and you couldn't help but laughed. As time passed by, Andrew accompanied you to your interview, which everything turned well. Afterwards, you and Andrew went to a restaurant to eat and drink some tea while chatting. Two fans spotted the two of you and asked for a photograph and autograph. You said yes and Andrew as well. The kind fans thanked the both of you and went to their day and squealed excitedly. Andrew formed a small smile and you slightly elbow him catching his attention. "And you said people can be a pain in the ass." You joked.

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now