Rage, Comfort & Forgiveness

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Y/n= Your name

Warning: Mentions of Alcohol Use, Slight Swearing, Speculation of Cheating & Slight Violence

{Y/n's POV}

I don't even know where to began, how it all happened. How we were happy, loving and adoring one to another, then, it stopped. He was alone, I was alone. How though, we're still together, right? I don't know. As I took a sip of my sixth shot of tequila with cranberry juice. I put my drink aside and put both hands on my forehead. I was slightly dizzy, but it felt like a migraine. Those things are the worst. I stood up straight once I heard the door open and fix my hair and nightgown.

He slightly jumped upon walking to the kitchen. "Shit, you scared me. What are you doing still wide awake?" He asked me. I stood up from my seat and dusted myself, crossing my arms. "I can say the same thing, it's three in the morning, Andrew. Where were you?" I spoke. Andrew sucked his teeth and was begin to leave. I ran up to him and grabbed on his long sleeves. "What the- let go off me." He said sternly. Almost like he tried to intimidate me. "I have the right to know, now, where were you?" I began to raised my voice. "Jesus, a man can't come home in peace-" "I'm your wife!" I interrupted him.

His eyes widen, before coming in, he always takes off his shades. "I was at the pub with the guys." He answered blankly. "Yet, I smelled a woman's perfume. Cheap one too." I took a deep breath and tightening my grip on his sleeves. "Why do you smell like a another woman's perfume?" I challenged him. That's when he removed my grip from him and fully faced on me. "Christ Y/n, it's always the same thing. That's my only reason why I don't tell you where I am or going, regardless, I'm telling you the truth and you think I'm lying!" He shouted, offended by my comment.

"I'm at a pub, of course I'm going to smell all different kind of scent. That's a place to interact with people." His last sentence sounding sarcastically. "But it's one scent I smell. I expect smelling booze, sweat and like you said different scents. That's not the case here!" I shouted back. Getting pissed every second on how idiot he sounds. He swatted his hand and say; "I'm not going on all night for this, I'm going to sleep." Andrew started walking away getting me angry at this point. "You always do this to me, every time I confront you, you always walk away. Like a fucking coward!" I cursed.

"Keep going, I heard worst than that, darling." He teased me. Fuming, without thinking, I grabbed a nearby vase and threw it at him. Andrew sees it on time and ducks, in which the vase hit the wall breaking into millions of pieces. I was breathing hard, feeling my body burning up every second. "What the fuck?!" Andrew shouted. "Have you gone mad?!" "Yes, I am. It's you who caused me to be like this. I thought waiting and behaving like a typical wife will bring you back to senses. I thought you won't push me away anymore." My voice cracked. His angry face turned soft.

"But I was wrong... my mistake!" I said firmly. I removed my ring and slammed it on the floor. Now, it was me heading upstairs, my plan to pack, leave and never coming back. I felt arms wrapped around me and I started struggling. "Let go off me, stop, don't touch me." I said. I tried removing his hands but he won't budge. "Argh, let go off me, Andrew. I'm serious!" I started getting frustrated and start hitting his arms. Which was no use, Andrew pulled me to him. "No stop, I said let go off me. ARGH I HATE YOU!"

He grabs by my face with both of his hands and shouts back; "NO, YOU DON'T!" "YES I DO, I DON'T WANT TO LIVE LIKE THIS. I- I DON'T WANT THIS, I WANT A DIVORCE!" I sob uncontrollably. My hands on my face as I sob hysterically. Andrew holds me as I buried my face in his chest. I can smell the woman's perfume, his as well, and other scents? Andrew started rocking us back and forth as he soothes me, whispering comfortably words as I kept crying. It must of felt like a century when in reality it was just ten minutes or so.

I hiccuped as I wiped my tears, started breathing normally. I slightly pushes him away not wanting him to touch me for now. "Y/n..." Andrew began to say. I shook my head and whisper; "Just stop, I was being serious. You and me it's over." That's when he grab me by my waist with his two hands, firmly. "You and I know that's far from the truth, Y/n. You can never leave me just like I can never leave you." I tried squirming away from him but he hold me tighter. I can feel his nails digging my sides.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I'm sorry for not realizing how I was hurting you, by neglecting you. I'm sorry. Yes, if I smell like woman's perfume it was because she was being all over me. Saying how big fan she is and such and I can't lie, she did tried kissing me but I pushed her away and told her that I'm a married man. The only person I'll kiss is my wife. Also, you're right, you have every right to know where I'm going or where I was because you're my wife. You're right with everything and I'm sorry." He whispered.

Andrew caressed one of my cheeks and say; "I am so sorry for hurting your feelings and making you feel like an outcast in our house. I'm such an asshole husband, but if you give me another chance, I'll be less of a bastard." He slightly joked. This caused me to break a small smile and he smiled back. "There's my wife with her beautiful smile, I missed it. I missed you, Y/n." "I- I missed you too, Andy. So much." I began to tear up. He hushed me and with this hands holding my cheeks he pulls me for a kiss.

I kissed him back, holding his elbows as we both deepen the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his around my hips. Before the kiss can get heated, we both pulled away, our foreheads touching. "Let's go to bed, tomorrow you and I are going out for a walk. How does that sound?" Andrew asked. I nodded and respond; "Breakfast too?" He grins and kisses the top of my forehead. "Anything for my pretty wife." After heading upstairs in our bedroom.

We kissed one last time, snuggle and slowly we were both falling asleep. "I love you, Andy." I whispered as my eyes closed, sleeping already. "I love you too, my pretty lady." He too falling asleep as we both have our arms wrapped one to another.

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now