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156 3 2

Y/n= Your name
E/c= Eye color
H/c= Hair color

Warning: Alcohol Use, Slight Swearing & Indication of Sex

Bright, yet dark e/c eyes of yours captures his eyes. Your dark h/c hair brightens with the lights that are in the pub. From red, to blue, to green and pink brightens your face and your outfit. Burgundy color filled on your lips with gloss, you look stunning and capturing. Your beauty captured his eyes. So hypnotizing, a trance, some kind of witch craft you did to him. A spell, but it wasn't. You were the most gorgeous woman on this planet, probably the only gorgeous woman on this world to his opinion.

After drinking two more shots of whatever alcohol he was drinking, he took a deep breath. After a few minutes, he build enough courage and walked up to you. You were sitting on the booth drinking a margarita and you noticed those sunglasses of his. You couldn't help but stay un-alarm and just stared at him. Not in a mean nor nice way, more like observing kind of way. "Mind if I sit here?" The mysterious man asked. You looked up and down at him and see he was wearing black leather pants with a black blouse with sunglasses on. "Who the hell wears sunglasses at night?" You asked to yourself.

"Please, join me." You responded in a playful manner. He took a seat and you extend your hand. "Hi, my name is Y/n." You greeted. He extended his and replied; "I'm Andrew, Andrew Eldritch. Nice meeting you, miss Y/n." Afterwards, he shook your hand. "Eldritch, hm? I like your last name, it sounds fancy. Andrew? I feel like I heard that name before." You teased. Obviously you knew who he was, you did see him and his band performed after all. Andrew couldn't help but smirk, you were such a tease. He likes that.

"You have? You know, I always get that a lot. Not to sound cocky or anything, mostly women say that to me." He teased back. You wanted to rolled your eyes, but instead you smile. A fake one, obviously. "And I thought you were available, Mr. Eldritch." You quickly said. Not getting the chance to stand up from your seat, you feel how he grabbed your hand but not in a aggressive away. More like a pleading kind of way. "Who says I was?" You looked at his eyes, well his sunglasses, and slowly sit back to your seat. He followed you and he sat as well again. "Women, huh. How many woman are we talking about?" You asked curiously.

Andrew sort of chuckle and adjusted his sunglasses before answering; "Are you really curious or upset that you're not the only woman?" He said rather cocky. This caused you to smirk and play along to his game. "The many woman you have, add two times when it comes to me with men." You replied cocky as well. You see his jaw tense and how he grips the side of the table. Bingo! You won. "I guess you're not available, then. You're probably on a date anyway, shitty guy for leaving a girl like you alone." "Am I a girl or a woman?" You asked. Andrew was taken back to your question and slightly tilt his head.

Before he could ask what do you mean by that, you said the following; "A girl likes to play and can probably play along. They'll pretend they want something, but when that times comes. They act confused, rookies to say precisely. They don't know what they're doing and back away. A woman, though. Sure, they like to play and knows how to play along. The big difference is when that time comes, they act all innocent and confused. Yet, at the end, it was one satisfying night. I'm sure you know what I'm getting at."

He couldn't deny but he was really interested on what you said to him and made him harder to fall for you. Slowly, he knows, he is. Andrew cleared his throat and adjusted his sunglasses twice. "By the way, why do you wear sunglasses at night?" You asked. Andrew just shrugged, which made you scoffed. "That's not a proper answer." You said rather annoyed. You took a sip from your margarita, waiting for his answer. "I don't know, I wear what I think I I look good." He finally said. You hummed, reflecting on his answer. Andrew notices it; "What?" You leaned a bit forward towards him and study his face. Andrew did feel a bit uncomfortable that you were checking him out out in the open with no shame.

He breathe out once you leaned backward in your seat. Andrew didn't realized he was holding his breath. You slightly smirked and softly cleared your voice. "Maybe you look handsome." You simply said. Andrew scrunch his eyebrows, not knowing if you just compliment him or making fun of him. "I can't say if you're handsome if I haven't see your eyes." You replied. As if you read his mind. Andrew chuckle at this and leaned forward towards you. Finally, since you secretly looked at him on how he was checking you out. You were finally going to see his eyes, you can't lie but this made your stomach feel like there were butterflies.

Andrew put a finger on top of the side of his sunglasses making it look as he was going to tilt his sunglasses down. He didn't. "I should be going, I'm rather tired now." "That son of a bitch!" You sigh. Disappointed and slowly got up from your seat. "Me too, all that dancing got me quite tired. Well then, take care." Before you had the chance to walk away. Andrew put a hand on your waist and pulled you close to him. Your chest touching his. "Don't worry, pretty girl. You'll see my eyes, when you're in my place." He whispered huskily.

You looked up at him since you were two inches shorter than him. Lustfully, you blinked your eyes and formed a small smile. "Good, I don't like strangers knowing where I live." You said in a playful manner. Andrew laughs at this causing your heart to skipped a beat. "Oh, that's new." "My mother taught me to never leave a woman walking alone in the streets late at night." You giggled and say; "Raising a fine gentleman, my, I have a little hope then." You slide your hand from his shoulder to caressing the right of his cheek. He felt warmth with your touch, which was interesting and new to him. No girl has ever made him feel this way.

"I've proven I'm not a prick like the others, then. Not so lucky those other nights, hm?" He asked. His tone sounding genuinely and maybe a bit of jealousy. "Enough with the questions, you're sounding like my mother now." Andrew laughs at this and guide you through the crowd to the exit. Once leaving the pub, he extend his hand. Signaling to hold his hand and you gladly did. You two didn't say anything on the way to his flat, once unlocking his door. He moved a side for you to enter first. You nod in a thankful matter and entered his house.

Andrew followed you from behind, closing and locking the main door. "You have nice house, how long have you-" You were interrupted from his lips smashing yours. Instantly, you wrapped your arms around his neck and him around your waist. Pulling you closer if that was even possible. You two didn't say anything else, the only words that came was some few swearing, moans and groans. If we're being explicit here, even some cries. Your cries, of course. "Am I a girl or a woman?" To answer your question, here's his respond:

"You're a woman, but not an ordinary one. You're the kind of a woman who's bold, confident and a playful one. You're the kind of woman who is brutally honest, the kind of woman who doesn't fight for what she wants. You get it instantly. Not by your beauty or your flirtatious nature. But by your personality. Any man can fall for that personality of yours. I admit, I did see was your attractive appearance. At the end, yourself. If you're straightforward then I should be too. At the end of our "lovely encounter," I fell for you. I wish you to be mine and mine only. Just like I would be yours and truly yours only."

Andrew Eldritch Oneshots/Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now